Unfortunately I have to interrupt this discussion and give an urgent English lesson to Ito-ogo.And submit a Russian exercise myself.
(should be: either) I can't explain why, unfortunately.I don't have this too
But I will try to give an example and translate it to Russian for practice. (correct me if I am wrong!)
I have no red hat. (У меня нет красного шляпы.)
I don't have a blue hat either. (У меня нет красного шляпы тоже.)
I have a a blue hat! (У меня синяя шляпа!)
I have a blue hat too! (У меня синяя шляпа тоже!)
Aha, I think I realise why you made a mistake with this.
I swear, this is harder to say in Russian than in English because of the complication with genitive etc. That is SOO complicated.