
I studied Russian at school for a few years a decade ago and forgot most of it to be honest.
I'm willing to correct that and get back into it.

However, I would like to make this journey as entertaining as possible. That means I would rather keep grammar exercises to a minimum. I still have all my old books and I intend to use them a little but I also kind of know myself and I'm pretty sure that I will give up after 2 weeks if I choose an approach too academic.

When I studied English (I'm French), what made it easier was the sheer volume of free newspapers, movies, tv series, etc available online.
It's more entertaining to learn English by watching "Breaking Bad" or "Little Britain" than by memorising a list of irregular verbs…

So, my question is this:
What Russian TV series, online live TV channels, Russian newspapers would you recommend?

Anything really as long as it is fun and efficient. It could even be iPhone apps.

Anyway, any recommendations appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


PS: so far, I just bookmarked this (http://ria.ru/) but the live feed is quite hard for me at this stage!