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Thread: Russian Movie Reviews!

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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomaks
    Want to see real good Russian film? Try to find "Апрель", and then try to understand it.
    Whose film is that? I don't think I remember seeing it...

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM
    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    Another movie which is similar to the Barberer of Siberia is East - West (Восток - Запад) also with Menshikov. Also a clash of cultures, this time the french in Stalin's CCCP. Highly recommended.
    No, no, no... The East-West is not similar to The Barber and it is not half as good as The Barber. And it's probably one of the worst roles played by Menshikov... All is IMHO of course
    what what what! what! why? I mean, even Bodrov Jr. (Brat) is there, may he rest in peace. I just wish I could understand french...

    But you do see the similarities, right? Apart from Menshikov, there is the foreign woman coming to Russia, trying to adapt. Half of the film is in a non-russian language, she falls in love with a Russian...

    Ok, since we are on this genre, what about "Москва Слезам не Верит", I really liked that one, and although utterly unlike the abovementioned films, it does have that same intensity.
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    Re: More classics coming!

    Телевизионщики долго не решались замахнуться на классику. Телеканал «Россия» как-то решился и ударил «Идиотом». Успех сериала удивил, но впрягаться никто не спешил – а вдруг случайность? Фактический провал «Мертвых душ» Павла Лунгина лишь укрепил в пессимизме. И лишь после 60-процентной доли, выпавшей сериалу «Мастер и Маргарита» той же «России», стало понятно – можно! Телеканалы срочно начали доделывать уже снимающееся, реанимировать замороженные проекты, и телеверсий классики в этом году мы увидим предостаточно. «Первый канал» заранее расхваливает «Золотого теленка» с Олегом Меньшиковым в роли Остапа, заканчивается затянувшаяся история с «Анной Карениной» Сергея Соловьева, где чету Карениных играют Янковский и Друбич. НТВ собирается бабахнуть «Доктором Живаго» с тем же Меньшиковым и Чулпан Хаматовой. На подходе – Лермонтов и Достоевский: режиссёр Александр Котт закончил съёмки 8-серийного «Героя нашего времени» с Игорем Петренко, запущены 8-серийные «Братья Карамазовы» Юрия Мороза, реанимирован и проект сериала по «Бесам» того же Достоевского.

    Hooray! Alot of Russian classics are going to be filmatized! I just have to hurry up and read the books before wathcing the movies!
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  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    what what what! what! why? I mean, even Bodrov Jr. (Brat) is there, may he rest in peace. I just wish I could understand french...

    But you do see the similarities, right? Apart from Menshikov, there is the foreign woman coming to Russia, trying to adapt. Half of the film is in a non-russian language, she falls in love with a Russian...
    Well, the foreign woman in The Barber came with completely different purpose Seriously speaking, somehow East-West looks as a western film made about Russian life, i.e. false. It's not bad, but not great either despite Catrine Deneuve is in it along with Menshikov...

    Ok, since we are on this genre, what about "Москва Слезам не Верит", I really liked that one, and although utterly unlike the abovementioned films, it does have that same intensity.
    Now, this is a really good film! Although I am not sure if its beauty can be fully appreciated by those who had no experience of life in Soviet Union. I am curious which character did you like the most in it?

  6. #46
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    Whose film is that? I don't think I remember seeing it...

    "Апрель" – не только самый поэтичный криминальный фильм последних лет, но, возможно, и самый поэтичный и нежный из всего российского кинематографа за последний как минимум год. По-настоящему нежный, без сюсюканий, без очевидной фальши, коих в нашем кино не счесть, особенно в последнее время, когда режиссеры стали понимать, что сказанное с придыханием "я тебя люблю" – по-русски, заметьте, а не "по-мексикански" или "по-бразильски" – вгрызается в зрительскую душу куда цепче, чем любая расцвеченная феня, перекрываемая автоматной очередью.

    Конечно, никуда не деться от некоторой романтизации главных героев – Володи и Апреля. Особенно второго, который на наших глазах за два часа совершает путь на свою Голгофу, по дороге очищаясь от скверны, что поселилась в нем с рождения. Если в первых кадрах перед нами – замызганное напуганное существо в дешевой ушанке, шарахающееся от ментов, то к концу картины вдруг оказывается, что парень-то мало того, что умен и силен, он просто симпатичен и даже сексапилен. Происходит чудесное, почти сказочное перерождение – вчерашний уголовник спасает детей, женщин, целую больницу и даже "заказанного" бизнесмена Володю ценой, между прочим, собственной свободы как минимум. А то и жизни. Что вы сказали? Он маленького роста? Не может быть, а кажется таким внушительным. Он далеко не красавец? Да ладно вам, посмотрите – обаятелен, как сто Делонов. Бельмондо, между прочим, вообще как смертный грех – и ничего. Мы его любим не только за это.

    Постепенное перерождение главного героя словно высветляет лучиками все пространство вокруг него. Начинается легкая вакханалия всеобщего прощения и всеобщей любви. Просыпается острая жалость к бизнесмену Володе, который кажется уже не подонком, а разнесчастным рефлексирующим обманутым лохом; перестаешь бояться бандитов в дурацких карнавальных масках, хотя в руках у них автоматы, и даже готов поверить в непродажность милиции. И что самое главное – режиссеру удалось сделать так, что все это принимаешь и веришь во все это безоговорочно. В чем-то "Апрель" – зеркальное отражение "Брата", где происходит обратный процесс. Симпатичный герой Данила Багров с открытым взглядом на наших глазах шаг за шагом скукоживается до банального уголовника, подспудно проповедущего очень сомнительную философию, больше всего похожую на фашизм. А Петя Апрель, банальный уголовник, подспудно проповедующий тоже весьма сомнительные ценности, на наших глазах шаг за шагом превращается в симпатичного героя с открытым взглядом.

  7. #47
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    The barber of Siberia is an average movie about nothing, sort of reminded me of "the house of the flying fag... sorry... daggers", lots of teenybopper romantic nonsense on a background of computer-enhanced "scenery". Next day after I had seen it I could remember almost nothing of the plot. I dont care, if "Russians are portrayed accurately" or not (what does it mean anyway? Russians are people too, not another biological species, they are all different), but there was no single character who could interest me. Everything was generic, matryoshka's, balalaika's, vodka and caviar cannot really impress me on their own (they are sold on every corner in Montreal). Viewing modern day "stars" dressed in folk costumes doesnt do much for me either.

    I do acknowledge though it was probably a good business venture, and it must have had a positive commercial influence on tourism. Not presenting the public with a "Jane and Andrei forever" T-shirt was a horrible oversight.
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  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by adoc
    almost nothing of the plot. I dont care, if "Russians are portrayed accurately" or not (what does it mean anyway? Russians are people too, not another biological species, they are all different)
    I meant that everybody keeps saying that the film wasn't true to the conditions and behaviour of the Russians in those days, it was stereotypical. I say so what, do you really judge America and Americans by watching American movies? I sure hope not!
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  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM
    Ok, since we are on this genre, what about "Москва Слезам не Верит", I really liked that one, and although utterly unlike the abovementioned films, it does have that same intensity.
    Now, this is a really good film! Although I am not sure if its beauty can be fully appreciated by those who had no experience of life in Soviet Union. I am curious which character did you like the most in it?
    Maybe I can't fully appreciate it, but I do appreciate it fully

    The person I liked the most was... what's her name... the lead character... I guess I forgot, it has been a while. A very strong personality.
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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie

    I meant that everybody keeps saying that the film wasn't true to the conditions and behaviour of the Russians in those days, it was stereotypical. I say so what, do you really judge America and Americans by watching American movies? I sure hope not!
    My comment wasn't intended to poke you really. I was more referring to comments that I heard from many Russians in that respect. I dont think this movie was great, but I also dont think it was god-awful. It had a semi-decent amount of entertaining value and it was worth watching once.

    There is something else explaining my attitude towards Mikhalkov's "art". I personally dont like him and his movies, just recently I was forced to watch one of his oldies and it annoyed me beyond belief. After all, he is a son of a famous communist poet, was a loyal propaganda pusher himself, and seeing him preaching to the masses now produces the same effect as would an imaginary reformed Goebbels' son teaching the Germans about racial tolerance. Out of a sudden Mikhalkov is attracted to the idea of monarchism. He just forgets that in monarchic Russia his only way to express himself would be to artistically polish my shoes.

    And no, I dont judge americans by watching an average Hollywood motion picture. But then again, some really talented movies came out of Hollywood as well.
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  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by adoc
    There is something else explaining my attitude towards Mikhalkov's "art". I personally dont like him and his movies...
    I think that explains it all You can't judge Nikita Mikhalkov for whoever his father was. Дети за отцов не отвечают. Besides, his father wasn't so one-sided and simple. If you look a liitle deeper you'll find that he comes from a noble family. Take a look at his brother, are you considering him to be a loyal propaganda pusher as well since he came from the same wrong father. By the way you might want to read his biographical book called "Низкие истины". Finally, you should consider giving people right to change their views somewhat with the time and acquired experience. Didn't you go through that phase yourself?

  12. #52
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    Kalinka, have you seen "kin-dza-dza"? What do you think about it, if yes?
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM

    You can't judge Nikita Mikhalkov for whoever his father was.
    I judge him by the movies he makes. He's a crowd pleaser, no doubt about that. He was not a propaganda pusher because he had a such and such father. He was a propaganda pusher because he was a propaganda pusher, with the passion well expected from a renowned artist. Also, I did not have to go through the "same phase" of turning white into black, nothing romantic here.
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  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by adoc
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM

    You can't judge Nikita Mikhalkov for whoever his father was.
    I judge him by the movies he makes. He's a crowd pleaser, no doubt about that.
    Hmmm... How big was a crowd for "Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино" for example? Or how much of a propaganda is "Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих"? Maybe "Утомленные солнцем" was propaganda? I think you are simply following a popular Russian sport of not liking successful compatriots.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM
    Quote Originally Posted by adoc
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM

    Hmmm... How big was a crowd for "Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино" for example? Or how much of a propaganda is "Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих"? Maybe "Утомленные солнцем" was propaganda? I think you are simply following a popular Russian sport of not liking successful compatriots.
    How long since you have watched these movies? "Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих" is the nastiest piece of "I love my Party" shite I have seen in a long time. I think you are following a popular Russian sport of turning a movie discussion into a parade of personal attacks. You have no idea what my aspirations are and how successful I am so shut TF up. It's exactly the kind of pathetic crowd Mikhalkov is attracting and it doesn't surprise me a tiny bit. Welcome to the ignore list.
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  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by adoc
    How long since you have watched these movies?
    Perhaps a year, except for the "Утомленные солнцем".

    I think you are following a popular Russian sport of turning a movie discussion into a parade of personal attacks. You have no idea what my aspirations are and how successful I am so shut TF up.
    It wasn't an attack and at least I wasn't rude.

    Welcome to the ignore list.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by ST
    Kalinka, have you seen "kin-dza-dza"? What do you think about it, if yes?
    Yes I have seen it!

    The first time I saw it, I really didn't like it, because I understood less than nothing, probably minus 20 % of it!

    Now that I have the copy and understand better russian, I really like it. It is very quirky and full of self-irony.

    I understand it has become some sort of cult film over there in Russia?
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  18. #58
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    hm, i guess so....for some people Somekind of Soviet Cyberpunk
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  19. #59
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    Anyone saw "Дом дураков" (House of Fools in American release) by Andrey Konchalovsky? It is a very powerful anti-war film... And the real Brian Adams in it too for those who like him

  20. #60
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    Yeah, I have it on DVD... haven't watched it in ages, but I seem to remember it wasn't all that good... Chechen war and stuff...
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