I've had a few dealings with the former Militsia in Russia and must say they are not a Police force I feel safe with but it's all down to bureaucracy and petty theft (of which they are usually guilty themselves!). I've never been to America so I can't comment but my opinion on the Russian Police force is that they are somewhat ridiculed by the people (and with good reason).
Although beatings by the Police are likely not uncommon I find this story quite disturbing. The Police service in America is well supported and trusted (i think) by nationals of that country. They are a service that people possibly used to trust and have faith in.

On a funnier note I knew a guy from England when I was at University. He went on a study/exchange programme to Moscow. He was a bit of a hippy and passionate for music so he used to try and play in the metro but this obviously annoyed some of the regulars of that station (that old lady with the accordion!) and so they started making complaints and telling him to move! The Militsia of the time helped him and allowed him to keep playing. The people who were objecting were told to leave him alone etc and so the Militsia ensured he was able to play in peace and earn as much money as possible. That was until they were leaving the station and the Militsia, after letting them earn decent money, took them to the office, told them it was illegal and that they would have to leave all the money with them! hahahaha