I am really excited because today I had the first opportunity to take advantage of my (VERY modest) skills in Russian for business.
Background: I've been taking some time off work, but I just started interviewing for my next role (and got my first job offer, today - hurrah!)
I work in IT project management.
Despite the other offer coming in, I decided to go along for another interview that had already been scheduled in, previously. The company that interviewed me were rolling out a new IT system across Europe and had experienced lots of problems in Moscow, in particular. (complicated localisation + language barriers)
The person who interviewed me said "You don't by any chance speak Russian, do you? That would be too good to be true..."
I thought "Oh, what I have got to lose?" and said "Yeah I do, actually, a bit.."
(everything is relative!!!) Then I said that I plan to take the TORFL test in March, however I didn't mention that I plan to take the basic level... LOL!
The people who interviewed me seemed quite impressed by this.
Also, later when I left the building I noticed that a guy was standing in the foyer speaking Russian on his mobile phone.
The point of this is:
1) Russian can be very useful for business purposes in Western Europe - including senior jobs.
2) It was completely by chance that they had a requirement for somebody who could speak Russian. If I had been able to say "Yes I am fluent in Russian" I probably would have knocked out all the competition for this role. Too bad it's not (yet) true. Incidentally this particular role was by far the best-paying one that I'd interviewed for.
Back to reality.... I think everybody who has seen my grammar questions realise that I cannot go to Moscow and start discussing IT issues right now!
But perhaps in 6 months it might be possible to have a simple conversation about it.
This was very motivational and inspiring for me!
Anyone else came across business needs for Russian?