Quote Originally Posted by tdk2fe
I think the best way for you to come to a 'truce' (not that there is a battle royale going on or anything) is to start talking about stuff that relates to this site. If you want to ask about a translation for your alter-ego to say to your b/f or whatever - fine, people will help you with that in the "Translate This" section.
Agree. Spot on!

But honestly, coming to a forum and randomly posting intimite details about your love life is rather inappropriate. Would you randomly go to a Russian Club meeting, knowing nobody, and start talking about your troubled love life? No, because it's weird. So why would you expect people on an internet forum to react any differently?
Agree. Spot on!

Also, I wouldn't sweat the replies to your posts. I mean, do you really care what a bunch of people who hang out in a russian forum during their free time think about you?
Agree. Spo --- HEY!!! I spend far too much time here -- but it's not for fun! I needs to works on my Russians or else mys thesises researchz will be umpossible. Strategery!