Quote Originally Posted by TATY
I lived in Kazan', the capital of Tatarstan, and lived with a Tatar woman, and she said she was sort of muslim, but never went to the mosque or anything.

Also eveyrone drunk and ate non-halal meat. They belong to a different, liberal sect of Islam methinks.

There used to be a lot of Jews in Russia and the Russian empire but most have left (Israel, America etc.) /are dead. I believe, but may be wrong, under Tsarism, Jews in the Russian empire could only live in certain areas, these were in the West of the empire (modern day Belarus', Ukraine). Unfortunately for them, this meant the population was centred in areas the Nazis occupied in WWII. Also at the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991), there was a mass exodus to Israel.

TATY, you are smart as always i really admire you.