Just a thread for anything related to Christmas and New Years' regardless of what date you celebrate, or how you celebrate (if you celebrate at all.... )
Today is the day of the Scandinavian midwinter pre-Christmas festival of light, called "St Lucia" [it's an old pagan / Christian holiday. The celebration involves lots of singing and drinking Nordic glühwein (glögg).]
A Lucia procession looks looks like below. All schools, hospitals and workplaces have them, usually very early in the morning.
NO SNOW!!! Global Warming is getting really bad....
What's your favourite Christmas song?
My favourite is "Oh Holy Night" (French original is "Cantique de Noël")
"OH HOLY, NIGHT" (fave xmas song)
IN HUNGARIAN with nice pics.
By Rein Alexander, a famous Norwegian tenor, singing in Swedish.
Last, but not least:
1) I really hate the commercialism of Christmas!. I don't really want Christmas presents from anybody but my very closest friends and family. The hysterical Christmas shopping is actually FREAKY, as if everyone was under HYPNOSIS....
Christmas in England is particularly commercialised. Most people here in the UK do not care about the real meaning of Christmas at all.
Next Christmas I'll go to the coldest and most traditional part of Sweden and have real traditional Christmas among the reindeer! Not joking - my cousins live in that area. This year I am just biting my lip and will stay in London....