Hello my Russian brethren!
I'd just like to ask, what do Russians think of Serbs? I personally LOVE Russians and consider them to be our closest allies.
What d oyou think?
Hello my Russian brethren!
I'd just like to ask, what do Russians think of Serbs? I personally LOVE Russians and consider them to be our closest allies.
What d oyou think?
Serbia and Greece
Brethren under the Cross
In my opinion, this kind of ethnic bullshit is what has caused so many problems in the world.
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There are no bad nation but there are bad people in all nations.
Send me a PM if you need me.
That's true. It reminds me of a line from Airwolf that went, "we have found the enemy - and they are us."Originally Posted by Ramil
"You lost today kid, but that doesn't mean you have to like it." -- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
"We have found the enemy; and they are us." -- Airwolf.
Hello brother! Where have you been? I missed you so much!Originally Posted by Knez_Nenad_of_Serbia
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
How long until Knez starts dissing Croats?
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Do you bet?
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
Yes.Originally Posted by Rtyom
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In Post-Soviet Russia internet porn downloads YOU!
We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us. Walt Kelly, Pogo comic strip. Not to be too picky, it gets mis-quoth often.Originally Posted by DDL
My trivial submition of the day.
I'm easily amused late at night...
TATY, How does friendship between two nations result in the problems around the world? If anything it resolves them!
Serbia and Greece
Brethren under the Cross
Becuase you are basing this friendship on ethnicity and religion, more specifically ORTHODOX Christianity.Originally Posted by Knez_Nenad_of_Serbia
You LOVE Russians do you? And how long did meeting 150,000,000 people take?
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In Post-Soviet Russia internet porn downloads YOU!
149 million. That'll cut it down a bit...Originally Posted by TATY
Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.
I love those, who love Russians.![]()
"...бо всі люди це браття на землі, окрім жидів, татар, масонів, негрів, бєларусів, которих я ненавиджу, в цілому ж я гуманіст..."
Если у страны есть друзья, то, скорее всего, у нее будут враги тоже... или по меньшей мере, страны, к которым плохо относится.
Лучше обходиться со всеми тем же образом.![]()
Господи, вы хоть обясните, это на каком языке?Originally Posted by laxxy
Не плюй в колодец, пригодится водицы, напиться.
This hasOriginally Posted by laxxy
That's some russified Ukrainian there.
...бо всі люди це браття на землі, окрім жидів, татарів, масонів, негрів, білорусів, котрих я ненавиджу, в цілому ж я гуманіст...
Ingenting kan stoppa mig
In Post-Soviet Russia internet porn downloads YOU!
Why should he diss Croats? Since Serbia's biggest enemy turned out to be US presdident Clinton!Originally Posted by TATY
Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
Простите нас братушки, что мы бросили вас тогда.Originally Posted by Knez_Nenad_of_Serbia
Originally Posted by TATY
You know Ukrainian? do you understand what this quote says? It's some kinda racial sh*t.
Did you read the whole story? it looks like some dirty parody on Hamlet.
Не плюй в колодец, пригодится водицы, напиться.
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