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Thread: Please Make an Indonesian Forum

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Please Make an Indonesian Forum

    Please make an Indonesian Forum.
    I think Indonesian is very simple language.
    Indonesian very easy to learn.
    It doesn't use to-be verbs, doesn't make any changing of verbs,
    it doesn't use definite or indefinite articles, so it's very easy language.
    Sorry, my English is very bad, because i'm a native Indonesian.
    Don't ask me English.
    Ask me Indonesian.

  2. #2
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    I've thought about learning indonesian, b/c I've heard it was a very easy language. Unfortunately, I just don't have the need for it right now though. I don't know anyone who speaks Indonesian, and I have no current plans to visit Indonesia. I might pick it up eventually though after I get the other languages that I really want...Russian, Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, German lol...

    But I'd be glad to help with your english...
    I think Indonesian is a very simple language.
    Indonesian is very easy to learn.
    It doesn't use to-be verbs, doesn't conjugate anyverbs,
    it doesn't use definite or indefinite articles, so it's a very easy language.
    I'm engaged to the most wonderful girl in the world, my Lana!!!

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Salamat datang! (I think that means "welcome")
    I too have considered learning Indonesian, but I think it will have to wait until I become proficient in Russian.
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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

  4. #4
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Selamat Datang! Saya adalah Evan. Saya berasal dari Jakarta, Indonesia. Saya sedang belajar Bahasa Rusia. Saya rasa Bahasa Rusia adalah bahasa yang sangat menyenangkan. Sampai saat ini, saya sudah bisa membaca huruf-huruf Rusia namun saya belum dapat mengerti artinya. Sampai jumpa!

    Apakah anda mengerti apa yang saya tulis? Hehe...
    Don't ask me English.
    Ask me Indonesian.

  5. #5
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Hello Darobat!

    Hello Darobat!
    You have written 'Salamat Datang'. The correct phrase is 'Selamat Datang'. It means 'Welcome'. The other phrases is :

    'Selamat pagi' => Good morning.
    'Selamat siang' => Good afternoon.
    'Selamat malam' => Good night'.
    'Selamat ulang tahun' => Happy birthday.
    'Halo' => Hello.
    'Senang berjumpa dengan anda' => Nice to meet you.
    Don't ask me English.
    Ask me Indonesian.

  6. #6
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    Just making some guesses here...can I say:

    Selamat Datang! Saya adalah Dustin. Saya berasal dari Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA.


    berasal-come (or is it "live")
    dari-from (or is it "in")

    If it's the second one then...
    Saya berasal dari Boca Raton, FL. (at least until Jan 5th)
    I'm engaged to the most wonderful girl in the world, my Lana!!!

  7. #7
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Welcome! I am Dustin. I am from Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA.
    I am Dustin = Saya adalah Dustin, or Nama saya (adalah) Dustin.
    Nama = name.

    In Indonesian, 'USA' called 'Amerika Serikat'.
    Serikat is 'states'.

    Saya = I
    Adalah = I think it is 'to-be' in Indonesian.

    Saya adalah Evan - I am Evan.
    Dia adalah Evan - He/She is Evan.
    Kamu adalah Evan - You are Evan.
    Mereka adalah dokter. - They are doctors.
    Kami adalah pelajar. - We are students.

    Saya = I, Dia = He/She, Kamu = You, Mereka = They, Kami = We
    but, in Indonesian doesn't conjugate verbs, also to-be verbs.

    dari = from
    berasal = it from word 'asal', means 'from'.
    But, Saya berasal dari Jakarta only means 'I'm from Jakarta'.

    If you're studying Indonesian, you're hard to learn prefix, suffix, and the other.
    Example : 'main' = 'to play', but 'main + an' = 'mainan' = 'toy'
    'makan' = 'to eat', but 'makan + an' = 'makanan' = 'food'
    'minum' = 'to drink', but 'minum + an' = 'minuman' = beverage.

    Another example is :

    Saya mencium dia. = I kiss he/she.
    but, Saya dicium dia = I kissed by he/she.

    The verb's root (or stem) is 'cium' = to kiss.
    but, if i add 'men' before the 'cium', it became 'kiss'
    if i add 'di' before the 'cium', it became 'kissed by'

    Why Indonesian is very easy?
    Notice the sentences below :

    'Saya pergi ke Jakarta sekarang.'
    I'm going to Jakarta now.

    'Setiap minggu saya pergi ke Jakarta.'
    I go to Jakarta every week.

    'Saya pergi ke Jakarta kemarin'
    I went to Jakarta yesterday.

    'Saya akan pergi ke Jakarta besok'
    I will go to Jakarta tommorow.

    Indonesian doesn't conjugate any verbs.

    I'll translate the paragraph which i wrote before.

    Welcome! I'm Evan. I'm from Jakarta, Indonesia. At now, I'm learning Russian. I think Russian is very interesting. At now, i've already can read the russian letters, but I still haven't understand the sentences means. Good bye!

    Oh, How about Russian?
    Is it use to-be verbs or conjugate any verbs?

    Again, sorry about my English!!!!
    If you have any question about Indonesian, please ask me.[/b]
    Don't ask me English.
    Ask me Indonesian.

  8. #8
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    What is Новичок?

    What is Новичок?
    I think it pronounce 'Novichok', isn't it?
    Don't ask me English.
    Ask me Indonesian.

  9. #9
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    Re: What is Новичок?

    Quote Originally Posted by evanregar
    What is Новичок?
    I think it pronounce 'Novichok', isn't it?
    Новичок = Novice, newcomer, beginner

    It is pronounced "noveechOk" with the accent on the O.
    The Russian "И" is pronounced like "ee" in the word "reed".
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  10. #10
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by evanregar
    Oh, How about Russian?
    Does it use to-be verbs or conjugate any verbs?
    It doesn't use a to-be verb in the present tense, but it exists for for the past and future tenses. All russian verbs conjugate depending on person and number.

    работать - to work
    Я работаю - I am working
    Ты работаешь - You are working
    Он/она/оно работает - He/she/it is working
    Мы работаем - We are working
    Вы работаете - You guys are working
    Они работают - They are working
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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darobat
    Quote Originally Posted by evanregar
    Oh, How about Russian?
    Does it use to-be verbs or conjugate any verbs?
    It doesn't use a to-be verb in the present tense, but it exists for for the past and future tenses. All russian verbs conjugate depending on person and number.

    работать - to work
    Я работаю - I am working
    Ты работаешь - You are working
    Он/она/оно работает - He/she/it is working
    Мы работаем - We are working
    Вы работаете - You guys are working
    Они работают - They are working
    you should put am, are, is etc. in brackets.
    Ingenting kan stoppa mig
    In Post-Soviet Russia internet porn downloads YOU!

  12. #12
    Старший оракул
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    Yeah, I could.

    Basically, Я работаю can mean "I'm working" or "I work".
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    Last edited by Darobat on Mon Mar 5, 1759 1:19 am; edited 243 times in total

  13. #13
    Почётный участник
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    Yeah, languages that don't conjugate or change nouns are a lot a verb, a noun, whatever... and you can use it immediately...

    Indonesian grammar looks as easy as Chinese grammar...
    I'm engaged to the most wonderful girl in the world, my Lana!!!

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