If you're wondering what in the world that title means, you're not alone. I myself had to do a little research to find the English word for what I meant.
So, "onomatopoeia", is basically a word that denotes a sound. Things like: splash, roar, ouch, oink, etc.
When I'd just started learning English in my early teens, I took special delight at discovering the fact that an English dog says "bow wow!" when he barks (an Iranian dog says "vagh vagh!", and sometimes "hap hap!").
Apart from animal sounds, human sounds are also interesting. An English-speaking person says "ouch!" when he unexpectedly hurts himself, an Iranian says "akh!" in the same situation, while this same "akh!" ("ах!") is approximately like the sound when a Russian sighs. [Аааах, красавица, душа-девица, полюби же ты меня!]
Other examples, anyone?! It's not exactly language learning, but it's kinda fun!