Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in he
Originally Posted by rockzmom
starrysky!!! you made my day.... 105 degree heat here and my migraines are killing me and you have just made me feel soooo much better... thank you!
I always overdo things... Can't do anything about it. :-)
So sorry about your migraines, rockzmom... :( I know what it's like. It's not your usual headache. I used to have them as a teen. It's been years since I've had a migraine though. *touch wood*
Originally Posted by Basil77
А я послей вот этой старой пародии индийские фильмы смотреть вообще не могу - после нескольких минут просмотра пробивает на ха-ха. Правда, последним индийским фильмом, который я посмотрел от начала и до конца, был "Танцор диско" и смотрел я его, как сейчас помню, в совковом сельском клубе в Рязанской области году так эдак в 88.
Забавная пародия. :mosking: Я старых индийских фильмов немного видела, но они действительно были ужасненькие и удручают этими клише. В современных фильмах такого практически нет. Там даже женщин в сари уже редко увидишь.
P.S. Я все-таки "Меня зовут Кхан" всем советую. Вроде отзывы хорошие и не только от индоманов. Хоть и не без недостатков фильм...
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
Originally Posted by Lampada
Starrysky, dear! Maybe we want to open a separate topic for foreigh movies?
Или может быть лучше открыть свою тему про индийские фильмы. ;)
Yeah, that's a good idea... Never thought about it! Those posts could be moved into a separate foreign movies thread or something. I mean, I also like Chinese films. *be prepared :mrgreen: * Has anyone seen "House of Flying Daggers" and "Hero"? The most beautiful movies I've ever seen... The thing is, I sort of said everything I wanted to say at the moment, and Masterrusian is not a movie forum...
Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in he
I did not know where to put, and so I put Александр Петров 1, Александр Петров 2, Русалка, etc in Русские мультики на ютюбе.
These and the other things I've been watching are really анимация, not мультики. But I did not know where to put.
Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in he
Originally Posted by starrysky
I mean, I also like Chinese films. *be prepared :mrgreen: * Has anyone seen "House of Flying Daggers" and "Hero"? The most beautiful movies I've ever seen... The thing is, I sort of said everything I wanted to say at the moment, and Masterrusian is not a movie forum...
I must admit, that I do not like Indian or Chinese movies too much. All this singing, dancing and flying put me off since I was a kid. ))) But these two films you mentioned I did watch!
"House of Flying Daggers" was visually stunning, and I enjoyed watching it (even more so because it was filmed in Ukraine), but it was a one-time film for me. The plot was almost non-existent, and I doubt I'll ever watch it again.
"Hero" on the other hand is one of the best movies in this genre in my opinion!!! :good: Great idea, decent acting, amazing visual sequences - it's beautiful all around. I watched it more than once, and I made my friends watch it. That counts for something. )))
Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in he
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
"House of Flying Daggers" was visually stunning, and I enjoyed watching it (even more so because it was filmed in Ukraine)
I was really surprised to see a birch tree forest in it, and the snow, it felt so familiar at once (сразу показалось что-то родное :roll: ). And then I read in wiki that it was actually filmed in Ukraine! Yay! I knew it! Родина-мать. :D Хоть я и не с Украины, но я тут различий не делаю. Все равно сразу видны родные пейзажи.
Regarding the script, I guess I'm a very visual sort of person, so I was so transfixed by the sheer beauty of it -- I didn't care so much about script inconsistencies, if there were some. Plus, it's so tragic in the end -- whenever I re-watch it, I feel this huge lump in my throat or just start crying... I'm rather emotional, yeah. Though I always thought that I'm a very reserved and calm sort of person. But I think Zhang Ziyi played it beautifully, she's an amazing actress, like her a lot... And then, there's this haunting music... It pretty much kills me, this music!
another version
found it. It's called "Lovers" and it's sung by kathleen Battle
"The Hero" is just another story altogether. Also fantastically beautiful AND intelligent. I don't compare these two movies in terms of which one is better because their subject matter is totally different. HFL is about love... And Hero is about, well, heroism! :)
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
I must admit, that I do not like Indian or Chinese movies too much. All this singing, dancing and flying put me off since I was a kid.
Hmmm... To me, music and dancing are just narrative conventions to which I got used and totally embraced... It wasn't that easy but in the end it really depends on the movie. Sometimes the music and dancing are great and fit very well into the story, sometimes not. For me, they are still much easier to accept than, for example, such ways of storytelling as ballet and opera. :shock: I probably just had unfortunate experiences with those but a) I don't like operatic voices, too powerful b) can never understand what they're singing and the whole story is sining c) it's really hard to get into the story when Tatyana and Onegin are both over 40 years old and weigh over 100 kg!
Soviet films also have a lot of singing, like "Twelve chairs" or "Diamond Arm". Of course, we can actually understand those songs since they're in Russian. With Hindi movies, you lose a lot if you don't have subtitles for the song -- it may seem a bit boring because you don't understand the words but important stuff about characters is often revealed in songs.
Singing in old Hindi movies is indeed not great... But when it comes to modern movies, music is sometimes the best part of a movie! For me it's become a huge bonus! Great songs can't save the movie if it's bad but still they're something to look forward to. There was one film I saw recently, and the only thing I really liked about it was this one song --
I also adore this one, from Main Hoon Na, it always lifts me mood :roll:
Another song which I like though I haven't actually seen the movie itself
Fave dancing song
And fave sad one
Just fun songs :)
Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in he
Lampada has referenced VelikayaRus's Channel (Youtube) in thread Кинофильм "Вокзал для двоих" before. But it is worth including again here, because VelikayaRus really has a very large collection of high quality movies/playlists, and other things.
Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in he
[s:byr6vq4r]Yeah I think this thread has become a monster. It's impossible to read the whole thread. It was entertaining at first, but now it's gone to far.[/s:byr6vq4r]
(Edit: noticed that Rockzmom is changing the thread)
I think it would be better to have a thread for Asian (or Bollywood) films.
Shortly after I joined the forum, I started a separate thread about Russian kino films ONLY, because I wanted there to be something that was only about Russian films, no deviation into Hollywood films etc. I have made a few posts to that since..
I wouldn't mind it if there was a separate thread for Russian animated films and maybe childrens films/series. Childrens material is good for learners because of simpler vocabulary.
And why not one about TV series and entertainment programs from Russian TV?
Ane maybe one about the latest from Hollywood, and/or European films?
Originally Posted by starrysky
My name is Khan...
Ok, you have convinced me, at least! :mosking: Next time I need some escape from my boring life in London, I will watch this film for sure!
I like Indian music, but the films (at least as they used to be) are just too sugary and formulaic.... (perhaps not surprising, since I am a person who likes sci-fi films...) But right now I am trying to watch Russian films when I have a second; I just wish that more of the series/films I want to see had subtitles.
PS - STARRYSKY, someone made a doll 4u!! ;-)
Re: NonRussian films (work in progress)
Re: NonRussian films (work in progress)
Okay, for all you Twilight haters (and if you can take some good jokes, Twilight lovers) this movie seems to be too funny!
Re: NonRussian films (work in progress)
I just read that the film "Salt" is the most downloaded film on bittorrent right now.... Has anyone seen it in the cinema or elsewhere?
I haven't seen it and right now I do not plan to... The plot is too silly..... Something about a woman (Angelina Jolie) who is a RUSSIAN SPY (in America)..... The plot is related to some kind of terrorist attack.
If I was a Russian film director I'd make a kick-ass action move about Russian heroes saving the world from evil plotting CIA agents....
(Frankly that whole genre was ridiculous even when the cold war was still on and it's even more silly now!)
Nevertheless, since this is a forum about Russian and Russian language; has anyone seen this and is it as silly as it seems?
Re: NonRussian films (work in progress)
Originally Posted by Hanna
I haven't seen it and right now I do not plan to... The plot is too silly..... Something about a woman (Angelina Jolie) who is a RUSSIAN SPY (in America)..... The plot is related to some kind of terrorist attack.
I have not seen it either, but most people mention that anything Russian-related is shown with a high level of absurdity there (very stereotyped). :unknown:
In a thread discussing this film someone posted a link to this parody to Holliwood view of Russia:
Re: NonRussian films (work in progress)
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
Very funny + true!!! Thanks!
I'd be furious if my nationality got portrayed in that way!
American and British teenagers may never have never met a Russian person... But they've seen about a 20 films or more of that type. So they'll get a seriously biased view... based on total nonsense! It's a bit disturbing.
Re: NonRussian films (work in progress)
Originally Posted by Hanna
Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
Very funny + true!!! Thanks!
Nice very nice can do nice and I wanna fly away to Mars.
Against humor no exist weapons.
Against pinch-bar no exist adequate answer. Russian folk joke.
Re: NonRussian films (work in progress)
Not to mention that lots of people believe that the "Borat" character actually IS from Kazakhstan, and that the film was made there....
(Just because Sasha Barron-Cohen can't be fussed to actually open an atlas or an encycplaedia when selecting a setting for his films.)
The film was apparently made in a gypsy village in Romania, and anyone can see that "Borat" doesn't look Central Asian at all.
I started watching the film where Borat went to the US, but it was so terrible that I couldn't bring myself to continue watching.
PS - I think that ParsleyIsle above needs help with the translation of the Russian proverb....
Re: NonRussian films (work in progress)
"Borat" is so stupid that it's sometimes funny.
The proverb is "против лома нет приёма", I believe. It means that:
either "There are no counter-arguments against brute force"
or "some complicated problems may be solved with a very direct and simple, rough method".
Re: NonRussian films (work in progress)
PS - I think that ParsleyIsle above needs help with the translation of the Russian proverb....
Nice very nice can do nice...
That terrible phrase I'm fished up from Spanish parapentos/paragliderman - Rodríguez. It's how I'm realized to myself is pretty quaint phrase.
Против лома нет приема!
Power and might always make right. (From WWW
But seems like off-topic.
"Borat" it is discovery for me.
Thanks for respond... :beer: