If you remember a little while back, younger daughter had her assignment to write a poem with "essence" and a "wow" factor.

WELL... with YOUR help she was able to understand whole "essence" idea much better and she "thought" she understood the "wow" part. It turns out she did not. The teacher did not want the wow to be so much in the writing of the poem, but in the presentation of the poem. Example, one girl said her mom did cartwheels and then the girl actually DID a cartwheel. That was a WOW factor as you were not expecting the girl to do that.

Now when my daughter read her poem, she did place dramatic emphasis/pause on the next to last line.

In any case, my daughter received a "B" for her efforts and here is her poem:

Essence of a Father

The adventures we have are exciting yet sometimes odd;
He can turn a walk in the woods into a trip to a magical forest with creeks turning into raging rivers and branches into swinging vines.

He does not give many kisses or hugs, that just is not his thing;
Yet building for me a cat house, window seat and a swing so I can fly to the moon and oh so much more is how he shows me his love.

Although I am his little girl, he beats me up;
While instructing me in the fine art of wrestling and sparring, yet always letting me win.