Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
Also, has anyone heard of or had a teacher use the "The Socratic method of teaching" or "Socratic Seminar?"
Being a student I've attended a quantum mechanics course. The course consisted of lectures, where a professor read us the theory, and seminars, where we, divided in small groups, were practicing in resolving problems. When our seminar's teacher putted a problem situation onto the board we asked "How should we start to solve it?" He responded "Think!" His answer never changed whatever we asked him. Each seminar started with our question and the same teacher's answer. After that we were "thinking" for sometime and there was a silence in the room. Only when somebody of us made an assumption (not a question!) he in return asked us the question "How your assumption can help you to solve the problem?" So step by step our silence intervals became shorter while voices became easily. To the end of the seminar we were about to solve the problem for ourselves.

This type of teaching may be not as like as Socratic method. Our teacher never responded with a question to a question. He always responded with a good answer "Think!" But he really made us to think for ourselves.