New ABBYY Lingvo x3 dictionary has audio pronunciations for 20,000 Russian words recorded by native speakers.

ABBYY Lingvo x3 provides audio pronunciation of words and phrases recorded specially for ABBYY by native speakers. Human speech gives you the opportunity to hear how the words are being pronounced by real people living in the environment of the language. This way you can improve your pronunciation and get as close as a native speaker.

Depending on the version and the language combinations of your ABBYY Lingvo x3 you are going to have access to audio pronunciations for words in six languages including:

15 000 English words
10 000 German words
5 000 French words
10 000 Spanish words
10 000 Ukrainian words
20 000 Russian words

ABBYY Lingvo x3 also includes phrasebooks for some language combinations with audio pronunciations for common expressions, of course recorded by native speakers of the languages.