Quote Originally Posted by patriot
beatings thats against geneva or somthing so are beatings are alowed there?
Yes. They have a quota. Every single person who works at the airport is required to beat AT LEAST 4 foreigners an hour. Otherwise, they lose their bathroom break privileges...

To seriously address your question, we must first start with IT, because it's flawed. I'm assuming "geneva or something" is supposed to be the Geneva Convention. AFAIK, it applies only to military personel. So that's your first problem. Are beatings allowed? They are not legally sanctioned, but of course beatings occur in Russia -- I think you'd be hard-pressed to find any country, even Norway (KalinkaVincintez does it all the time, I"m sure). They aren't typically state-sanctioned -- you don't get 40 whacks for walking through airport security if that's what you're getting at...