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Thread: Victory Day in your city! (+video)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Victory Day in your city! (+video)

    Hey, guys.

    I rarely visit evening concerts and fireworks during Victory day, but I did yesterday, and had a really great experience. The crowd was very friendly and relaxed, and sang along happily to artists on scene (which is not always the case), even to Vitas' ultrasonic singing, lol. The fireworks were good, but frankly I have nothing to compare with.. So I wondered how did it go in your city. I'm especially curious about smallish or non-ex-USSR cities. Is it basically the same or atmosphere is different? I'll be glad to hear about your place regardless of where you live!

    I'm posting links to a few videos (sorry for horrible quality, but I can't help myself - I feel like sharing ).

    I chose the first video just because around 0:25 it shows the huge number of people attending the celebrations (btw, Kharkov boasts to have the largest square in Europe).

    A singer Oleg Gazmanov with his hit from twenty-something years ago "Squadron".

  2. #2
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    "Cranes" - a famous lyrical song about soldiers who died during war, sung by the governor of our region, and accompanied by war documentaries (they are better seen since 0:55).

    Я.Френкель - Р.Гамзатов

    Мне кажется порою, что солдаты
    С кровавых не пришедшие полей,
    Не в землю нашу полегли когда-то,
    А превратились в белых журавлей.

    Они до сей поры с времен тех дальних
    Летят и подают нам голоса.
    Не потому ль так часто и печально
    Мы замолкаем глядя в небеса?

    Летит, летит по небу клин усталый,
    Летит в тумане на исходе дня.
    И в том строю есть промежуток малый -
    Быть может это место для меня.

    Настанет день и журавлиной стаей
    Я поплыву в такой же сизой мгле.
    Из-под небес по-птичьи окликая
    Всех вас, кого оставил на земле.

    Мне кажется порою, что солдаты
    С кровавых не пришедшие полей,
    Не в землю нашу полегли когда-то,
    А превратились в белых журавлей.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    "Made in the U.S.S.R" by Gazmanov (hello, Springsteen ). The quality is really bad, but I was rather surprised by the enthusiasm of the crowd, so I decided to post it.

    Украина и Крым, Беларусь и Молдова -
    Это моя страна.
    Сахалин и Камчатка, Уральские горы -
    Это моя страна.
    Красноярский край, Сибирь и Поволжье,
    Казахстан и Кавказ, и Прибалтика тоже ...

    Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
    Сделан я в СССР
    Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
    Сделан я в СССР

    Рюрики, Романовы, Ленин и Сталин -
    Это моя страна.
    Пушкин, Есенин, Высоцкий, Гагарин -
    Это моя страна.
    Разоренные церкви и новые храмы,
    Красная площадь и стройка на БАМе ...

    Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
    Сделан я в СССР
    Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
    Сделан я в СССР

    Олимпийское золото, старты, победы -
    Это моя страна.
    Жуков, Суворов, комбайны, торпеды -
    Это моя страна.
    Олигархи и нищие, мощь и разруха,
    КГБ, МВД и большая наука ...

    Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
    Сделан я в СССР
    Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
    Сделан я в СССР

    Глинка, Толстой, Достоевский, Чайковский,
    Врубель, Шаляпин, Шагал, Айвазовский
    Нефть и алмазы, золото, газ,
    Флот, ВДВ, ВВС и спецназ.

    Водка, икра, Эрмитаж и ракеты,
    Самые красивые женщины планеты,
    Шахматы, опера, лучший балет,
    Скажите, где есть то, чего у нас нет ?!

    Даже Европа объединилась в союз,
    Вместе наши предки сражались в бою.
    Вместе выиграна Вторая мировая война,
    Вместе мы самая большая страна.
    Душат границы, без визы нельзя,
    Как вам без нас, отзовитесь, друзья !

    Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
    Сделан я в СССР
    Я рожден в Советском Союзе,
    Сделан я в СССР

  4. #4
    Interesting post Gromozeka! Funny song!

    Actually, 9 May is not celebrated much as peace day in Europe anymore. Ages back, in my childhood, I can remember some events - nothing grand like Russia etc has, but peace rallies and manifestations. I was in a choir and we used to sing peace themed songs in public places. There were features on TV about Victory Day and anti-war type documentaries. It was a happy day, as I remember it, but it is hardly celebrated anymore - I think the farther away the Cold War is in peoples memories, the less revelvant it feels.

    30 November used to be a sort of peace related day in Sweden because it is the day that Karl XII an important historical king was killed, an important victorious battle in the 30 day war, and the end of Swedens empire. Lately it has become a day for marches by nationalists and neo nazis.

    The UK has a war memorial day at a different day - 11 November. It has some historical significant but it is not a happy day but a rather somber day to remember those that died in the UKs many wars... particularly WW 1 and 2 but also recent conflicts. They sound the air raid sirens across London, and there is a silent minute.

    British war memorials are usually obelisks and people put red flowers by the war memorials. There are some parades by war veterans and this is shown on TV along with some patriotic music. During the weeks leading up to 11 November many people, particularly men, wear a red carnation to show support for soldiers.

    The European Union is trying to adopt 9 May as the EU national day "Europe day"
    but it is going quite slowly since all countries already have the own national day. If they were serious about it, they should make it a holiday across the EU - that way Europeans would be off on the same day as everyone in ex-USSR countries. I quite like this idea. 1 May is beginning to feel like a meaningless holiday. What is the point of "organised" protests and demonstrations? IMHO 1 May could be scrapped as a holiday in favour of 9 May, I think.

    "Europe day"

  5. #5
    On the 9th of May 1950, Robert Schuman presented his proposal on the creation of an organised Europe, indispensable to the maintenance of peaceful relations.
    Noticed, this in Russian, when I looked for vids:

  6. #6

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post

    Первый раз слышу картавого корреспондента по телевидению!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Thanks, Hanna! I did not know about 30th and 11th November, it's a pity that a day that reminded people of peace turned into something more ugly.
    I think it's natural, that in many countries Victory day is either not celebrated or holds less significance than it held lin the past. It's true for my country too, not only because of political controversies, but also because of pass of time and the fact that there's less and less alive witnesses of the war.

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    The European Union is trying to adopt 9 May as the EU national day "Europe day"[/B] but it is going quite slowly since all countries already have the own national day. If they were serious about it, they should make it a holiday across the EU - that way Europeans would be off on the same day as everyone in ex-USSR countries. I quite like this idea. 1 May is beginning to feel like a meaningless holiday. What is the point of "organised" protests and demonstrations? IMHO 1 May could be scrapped as a holiday in favour of 9 May, I think.
    Many people in Russia think that Europe Day was created so that people to forget about the victory.

  10. #10
    I think this idea might appeal to some Germans who are fed up with having the defeat of them endlessly celebrated.... In one way, I must say I understand that...

    I like the CIS area tradition simply because of the music and because it's a bit like a spring festival for people... But frankly the war was such a long time ago and the military aspect of the celebrations don't appeal to me at any rate...

    But practically nobody in the EU has any strong feelings about it, and nobody can be bothered to celebrate a European national day.
    Their only hope of achieving this is making it a work/school free day across the EU and organise some really good celebration that appeal to people.

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