Hey MR, I've known about this forum for over a year, but I've always been more of a lurker than a poster. Though, I hope to have more time in the future to post regularly here, as I really want to improve my Russian! I'd have written this in Russian, but it's a bit of a long post and I wanted it out there quickly, so I wrote it in English. But if you want to reply in Russian, go ahead, and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

Anyway, as for my topic - at my university, we have two Russian clubs - a large club that is mostly for native/advanced speakers of Russian, mostly consisting of people who were born in Russia or former Soviet republics such as Uzbekistan. We also have a smaller Russian club that is dedicated to learners of the language of all levels. I'm in the intermediate (3rd-year) Russian class, so I am by no means fluent and can't really pass as native, but I'd say that I have decent proficiency in Russian (though I am nowhere near perfect, as you will see when I start making Russian posts on this forum) Anyway, since the president of the smaller Russian club is going to be graduating this semester, I was selected to be the new president.

I'm excited, but at the same time, I have never run a club like this before, and I'd be interested in what new things I should suggest. The things we did in the past this year was a game of Russian Jeopardy (like regular Jeopardy, except all categories, questions, and answers were in Russian), a presentation on the evolution of Russian rock (from Soviet times to the present day), and a Russian breakfast day that was also held by the larger Russian club (our small club does advertising for the larger club as well).

Some of the things I'll be doing will be buying snacks and drinks for events (unfortunately, because we're in America, and we have people under 21, including myself, vodka or anything like that will be out of the question). I'll also probably be making flyers/announcements for future events. However as the new president, I'd like to make the club a more active club (the president who's graduating this semester said that they didn't really do all that much), especially since the larger Russian club is under the threat of going under due to debt.

I think it would be cool to do more presentations - I could definitely put stuff together on Powerpoint (that is how the Russian Jeopardy was done). I also have a small collection of Russian movies that would be cool to show (including Nochnoy Dozor). I'm living in Washington DC, so naturally there will be stuff going on off campus that would be cool to coordinate, plus the larger Russian club will have stuff going on. I just want to be able to bring new life to this Russian club as the new president, and not let things get boring or inactive. Do you all have any advice, or similar experiences?