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Thread: An interesting view of Russia

  1. #1
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    An interesting view of Russia

    Don't blame the messenger, I don't agree or disagree with anything here as I've never lived in Russia. I think the article is worth a read (or a skim, as it's very long.) The article isn't only about women as there are stories of various experiences in Russia (which I found interesting, as the ranting against Russian women gets repetitive.) ... _Women.htm
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  2. #2
    Administrator MasterAdmin's Avatar
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    looks like the author is talking about "gold diggers", a phenomenon which happens in the US or any other country
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    I haven't read everything by now, but skimming it through makes me conclude that he’s another loser with mail-ordered-bride experience. Some points are rather silly than constructive, and there’s cultural misunderstanding also. The main mistake is trying to include Russian women in Western context, thinking it’s the way that would work.
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  4. #4
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    What a loser.

    Anyway, it is not a view of Russia, it's a view of (Russian) mail brides and women who swarm around foreigners in general. It's quite obvious that 90% of women who are actively looking for a foreign husband do it to live abroad, and to live "well", i.e. to have a nice house, to spend money freely and generally do things they couldn't do at home for some reason (+ many of them expect that they'd have enough money to help their families in Russia), and NOT because foregn men are so wonderful per se. So when such a woman comes to USA and learns as it almost always happens that her husband is a niggard (by Russian standards), well, things won't be pretty, especially when she has to adapt to the foreign culture and lifestyle at the same time.

    PS. I have no idea why the word "nig_gard" was censored. Is it so bad? I was trying to say "скупердяй".

  5. #5
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    PS. I have no idea why the word "nig_gard" was censored. Is it so bad? I was trying to say "скупердяй".
    Есть там у них какая-то глупая политкоректность. Этот "nig_gard" уж дюже, видать, на негра похож. Надо тебе было своего скупердяя афроамериканцем обозвать, всем бы тогда было хорошо.

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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    Есть там у них какая-то глупая политкоректность. Этот "nig_gard" уж дюже, видать, на негра похож. Надо тебе было своего скупердяя афроамериканцем обозвать, всем бы тогда было хорошо.
    Точно. ))) А с этими собачками вообще кажется, что я его каким-то матюком обозвала.

  7. #7
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    Слушай, я поначалу, кстати, так и подумал.-) Только не смог вспомнить матерное слово на четыре буквы.

  8. #8
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by sperk
    The article isn't only about women as there are stories of various experiences in Russia (which I found interesting, as the ranting against Russian women gets repetitive.)

    What kind of women would go and post her profile at the Internet marriage agency? Exactly the kind of women that is described in the text.

    They are doing this exactly for this purpose. Strange it may sound, but most *unmarried* women I know had never had any desire to marry a foreigner. Quite the contraty, they all say that the foreigners are all 'freaks' (to say the very least). Russian men are accustomed to the 'giver-taker' distribution of roles. I think it's in the blood of any woman, not only a Russian one.
    As a married man I must say in defense of our women that this article has been written by a man without balls. He simply doesn't know what it takes to be a man.
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  9. #9
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka

    PS. I have no idea why the word "nig_gard" was censored. Is it so bad? I was trying to say "скупердяй".
    If I may... the word that you are searching for is: n-i-g-g-a-r-d-l-y

    take out the "-" in the url:

    adjective 1. reluctant to give or spend; stingy; miserly.

    And, yes... you must be VERY careful when you use this word and for this very reason, most people don't use it any longer. People have actually had to resign (more like meaning quit or you will get fired) becaused they used this word, and it was properly used. Here is an article about one such case.

    Remember, you need to take out the "-" in the url.
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  10. #10
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    PS. I have no idea why the word "nig_gard" was censored. Is it so bad? I was trying to say "скупердяй".
    Есть там у них какая-то глупая политкоректность. Этот "nig_gard" уж дюже, видать, на негра похож. Надо тебе было своего скупердяя афроамериканцем обозвать, всем бы тогда было хорошо.
    Correct my mistakes and I will give you +1 internets.

  11. #11
    DDT is offline
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    "You knew I was a Russian when you married me,"
    This part is great!...I think I will print this on a T shirt and give it to my wife to wear.
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  12. #12
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    nig_gard reminds me of:

    personally i think the gold digger types are some of the easiest to spot. they also target russian oligarchs (which is probably a better option).
    i was watching a show on russian women living in Australia the other day and it turned out that most of the husbands (although seemingly decent guys) lived on farms in the middle of the outback, miles away from anything.
    the brides were not доволны
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Columbo
    i was watching a show on russian women living in Australia the other day and it turned out that most of the husbands (although seemingly decent guys) lived on farms in the middle of the outback, miles away from anything.
    the brides were not доволны
    Tell me, how did the wives that? I is an unbelievably hard switch, from a city like Petersburg
    or Moscow to life in the Outback!
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  14. #14
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    the ones who were in the city didnt mind it so much as they could chat to other russian expats etc but the ones who were in the middle of nowhere hated it. the lack of communication (esp. with other russians) was hard for them to deal with and generally they got bored and homesick very quickly
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  15. #15
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by sperk
    Don't blame the messenger, I don't agree or disagree with anything here as I've never lived in Russia. I think the article is worth a read (or a skim, as it's very long.) The article isn't only about women as there are stories of various experiences in Russia (which I found interesting, as the ranting against Russian women gets repetitive.) ... _Women.htm
    An unrelated note - he could at least try to made 'table of contents' hyperlinking to the text itself.
    Typical exapmple of a sweeping asserion - take one lemon ( it's called lemon in US version of language, right? ) and generalize to the whole class, like "i've bought '1975 Chevrolet from a scrapyard and want to tell you some things you want to know before buying an American car"

    (In contrast, you hear nothing but good experiences from those who sought love in Philippines, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Armenia, etc.)
    Because 3rd and 4th are swept under the category of 'Russian Brides' and share negative samples with them, like 'crappy Russian wife from Armenia) and positive ones go to separate category.

    Why do you think at least half of the Russian women that men correspond with online eventually end up asking for large amounts of money to be transferred to them by Western Union? You can verify this on your own without even going to Russia. Correspond with Russian women online from various websites (especially the free ones) and you'll easily find this out, AT LEAST HALF will be asking you for money. On the other hand, I’ve corresponded with hundreds of women online before, and other than from Russia or Ukraine, none of them ever asked me for money.
    Because it's a business, exploiting image of 'hot russian bride' . There may be no real woman behind these messages at all.

    It seems that overall path of "I paid the agency, and I want quality service/goods NOW!' don't work here.

    The trap and peril of being generous to the modern Russian woman
    Wrong sampling - not "modern Russian woman" but "Russian woman that signed up with a foreign marriage agency". If he can't make this narrowing, he deserve all this crap he experienced.
    Russian is tough, let’s go shopping!

  16. #16
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    i think, of course, there are some grains of truth to some of the things he said and there are plenty such women about, but it's obvious where the problem is. he's probably like 50, visiting Russia on bride-hunting trips and wondering why a young 20 something hot russian might just get whatever they can out of him.
    what chance would he or any of the other comment leavers (who seem to part of some married-to-a-russian club) have a meeting a normal or average russian? an everyday person that gets on with life that has no interest in scamming anyone. these douches speak no russian, come to visit as tourists and then expect to meet a wife from a dating site while conversing with her, often, via a translator.
    you're just asking to get conned.
    as for the others with wives they now hate, this is what happens when you dont speak your wife's native language and have no knowledge of her culture.

    on a separate note, i would love to work as an interpreter for one of those shitty dating agencies. i would really find it facilitating meeting and talking to these guys who actually think it's gonna work out. i dont think they hire dudes tho
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    Nah! Even Russian men talk trash about their women.

    Besides, Russian women are bearable only until they open their mouth (and they do it for all the wrong reasons, I might add). After that, you can’t dump’em fast enough. How do I emigrate to England? ... ion-vol-3/

    PS You have to scroll down to the comments!
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  18. #18
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    amusing comments, i smirked
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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Nah! Even Russian men talk trash about their women.
    I thought every nation had unbearable women. Now it turns out that only Russians have them.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

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    Re: An interesting view of Russia

    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

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