Hello all,

I just found this site and couldn't be happier! I have been studying Russian on my own since Sept and seem to have hit a dead end. I can sound anything out as I have learned the alphabet and can ask simple questions such as "Gdye Krasnay Blooshet?" or Yah Oostahla....
but when it comes to the grammar, I get soo confused!!

I have about 6 different grammar books and workbooks that I have bought, but none of them have really helped (I learn faster by listening)
I also have bought several Russian movies with english subtitles and listen to Russian radio almost daily....
Can anyone tell me if this will help? Is there anything else I can do to speed up the process?

I took that test that someone posted, but didn't get it quite finished, I got a 44% on part one and was amazed! Is that a good sign that I am picking it up?

I soo desperately want to be able to even hold a simple Russian conversation....what is the best way to just add vocabulary?

We are adopting a 12 year old girl from Russia and she will be home sometime in July....I would really love to be able to understand her and speak with her....

Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated!!