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Thread: How long does it take for Russians to renew a passport?

  1. #1
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    How long does it take for Russians to renew a passport?

    These days, how long does it take for Russians to renew an expiring passport? One or two months? I don't want guesstimate. I want someone who knows the answer for sure.

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: How long does it take for Russians to renew a passport?

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyvong2002
    These days, how long does it take for Russians to renew an expiring passport? One or two months? I don't want guesstimate. I want someone who knows the answer for sure.
    It was two weeks for me.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  3. #3
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    Re: How long does it take for Russians to renew a passport?

    Hi You mentioned that it took you two weeks to renew your passport. Which city are you in? Do you expect people living in Vladivostok being able to renew a passport in about two weeks? Also, how much time must be left on your passport before you have to renew it (assuming you are going to use it to travel abroad)?

  4. #4
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    Re: How long does it take for Russians to renew a passport?

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyvong2002
    Hi You mentioned that it took you two weeks to renew your passport. Which city are you in? Do you expect people living in Vladivostok being able to renew a passport in about two weeks? Also, how much time must be left on your passport before you have to renew it (assuming you are going to use it to travel abroad)?
    Is two weeks standard or you had to pay them to get it done in two weeks?

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: How long does it take for Russians to renew a passport?

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyvong2002
    Hi You mentioned that it took you two weeks to renew your passport. Which city are you in? Do you expect people living in Vladivostok being able to renew a passport in about two weeks? Also, how much time must be left on your passport before you have to renew it (assuming you are going to use it to travel abroad)?
    First of all I want to ask you which particular passport are you asking about?
    You see, there are two kind of passports in Russia. One is mandatory and is called 'citizen's passport'. It is used within Russia for identification purposes. It contains the information about your name, date and place of birth, your photograph, the info about your spouse (if any) and your children (if any). There are also pages for your registered place of living, also you can add the information about your blood group. The second one is called 'foreign passport' and you only need it when you travel abroad (so if you don't you don't even have to apply for one). It contains only your name, your birth date, the place of birth, your citizenship and your photograph. The other pages are empty and are used for visas.

    I was talking about my 'citizen's passport' (my old one still had the USSR emblem on it and stated that I was a citizen of the USSR instead of Russia). In due time I applied for a replacement and it took them two weeks to prepare a new one. I could speed up the process (for money, of course), but I wasn't in any particular hurry.

    A foreign passport is usually issued within a month from the date of application (according to the law, of course, you can also speed up the process). Even though I live in Moscow, I don't think that the procedure is any longer in Vladivostok. After all it is a large city and Japan and China are near so I think there are many applicants there and the procedure is rather fast (month at the most).

    A citizen's passport is issued for a lifetime (well, I think you should get a new one when you are at the age of 25, 45 and 60 years old - this is needed to 'update' your photograph). A foreign passport is issued for 5 years (there are talks in the Duma to extend that period for 10 years). After the passport is expired you simply apply for a new one. This is sort of necessary since you can run out of pages even before it expires (visas and border stamps consume some space after all).
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  6. #6
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: How long does it take for Russians to renew a passport?

    I was talking about foreign passport. Thanks anyway.

  7. #7
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    Re: How long does it take for Russians to renew a passport?

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyvong2002
    I was talking about foreign passport. Thanks anyway.
    Officially - one month.
    Порядок оформления и выдачи заграничных паспортов гражданам Российской Федерации
    Срок оформления паспорта не должен превышать одного месяца со дня подачи заявления по месту жительства и четырех месяцев при подаче заявления по месту пребывания.

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