View Poll Results: Do you think this is a good idea for an art piece? It can educate people visually about other countr

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Thread: History HELP!

  1. #1
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    History HELP!

    Alright, I am in school, and I am taking Sculpture. This will be my third year in sculpture, and my finnal year of sculpture in High School. I will be continuing the corse in college, and that will be my major!

    Well, In APS (the class) we have to have a theme, for our final year. I have decided to do history around the world. I will be doing 18 countries:
    US, China, India, Russia, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Britain, Ireland, Mexico, Egypt, South Africa, Madagascar, Greece, Isreal, Peru, and Cuba.
    In each project there will be a disk as my base, there will be a large center piece that represents that country, something that people could look at and know it is that country. On the sides, there will be 6 sub pieces on this disk, around the center piece. An example is the US, the center piece will be about Native American culture. Then around it will be 9-11, Pearl Harbor, Civil War, etc. Those pieces I have a plan of how I can visually represent those things.

    Although, I would like some opinions on Russia, and other countries if you have any advice. These projects will be my determaning factor to if I get accepted into Art School.

    If you have any adivice let me know! I will some how have pictures by this time next year of all of my projects, possibly on Myspace, or Photobucket if anyone wants to see them!


    Liz James

    PS not olny do I want history I need a current cultural piece too!
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  2. #2
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    Hmm... I hope some one has some ideas... I really need help, I know Rytom has helped me some, but I need some other ideas... SOMEONE PLEASE.....
    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
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  3. #3
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    I can't understand your post, because it is in English!
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  4. #4
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    not really sure if I understand what is it exactly that you want, but are you looking for some associations/ideas what should you focus on?
    If so, here are sme random ideas, basically the very first thing that pops my head when I hear the name of the country (hope it IS after all what you've asked, or that it will be helpful and I'm not just making an idiot out of myself )
    India - I'd definitely do something about the Bollywood, as it's quite characteristic for their culture; as for the history - Mahatma Gandhi
    Ireland - IRA, st Patrick (the story of the Trinity & shamrock), but these are quite obvious
    South Africa - definitely apartheid, Nelson Mandela
    Greece - ancient Greece, i.e. the rise of democracy, definitely the philosophers
    Cuba - Che Guevara, Castro etc
    Spain - guess you could do sth on inquisition; and corrida perhaps, for the culture?
    Israel - you could start off with the Promised Land; then the Palestina vs Israel conflict; you could also mention the Munich thing, as it concerns both in a way: history & culture

    the rest of the countries either don't bring any asocciations to my head, or they are pretty obvious (well, not that the ones I've just mentioned weren't obvious )

  5. #5
    DDT is offline
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    And I can't understand your post because your school project sound really stupid and a great waste of time and energy. Is this how you are expected to become knowledgeable in USA schools now?
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    And I can't understand your post because your school project sound really stupid and a great waste of time and energy. Is this how you are expected to become knowledgeable in USA schools now?
    so was about 50% (if not more!) of the projects at school, in a way

  7. #7
    Властелин charlestonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    And I can't understand your post because your school project sound really stupid and a great waste of time and energy. Is this how you are expected to become knowledgeable in USA schools now?
    Whoa...come down now. She is just a kid. You could've explained it in a better way.
    Well, I don't know what to say. I want to say thanks to the Academy, to Mama, to Papa and to my dog. I love you all.

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    I think it is a great idea and it won't be too difficult for you to find something about every country, a little research in each country's history and you should be fine!

    For Russia you have plenty of subjects:

    Communism (subpiece) - or Stalin
    Tsarism (centrepiece?) - or Peter the Great
    Sputnik / Space-related stuff
    Trans-Siberian Railway
    Vast land of taiga and forests
    Bears roaming in streets
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
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    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  9. #9
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    Thanks for the help from both Kalinka_vinnie, and kamka!
    Those are some starting pieces.

    Sorry that I didn't explain it very well... My apologies.


    I'm sorry that you think my project is stupid. As a Sr. in high school, we have to come up with our own projects, and because I like both other countries and other cultures, I chose to do this.
    Unlike other students who are doing boring things, like teapots. You cant LEARN any valuable lesson from a TEAPOT can you? So by doing a history based project, I figured I COULD TEACH the uneducated.


    Thanks for the help, and I hope you change your mind on your opinion about my project.
    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
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  10. #10
    DDT is offline
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    I am not picking on your project Jamesy old girl. I am picking on your entire American school system.
    I have been volunteering as a teachers aid in the ELL department of a local school here in the USA for the last 6 months. Predominately I help with newly arrived Russian kids with poor English skills.

    Having been schooled in another country myself, it is a real "eye opener' for me to see what actually passes for "education" in this country, USA.

    Too many meaningless class projects and coloring of useless pictures for my tastes. And to make it worse, since the students learn so little while actually in class, the teacher sends the kids home with 3 hours of homework every night!

    Most of the homework being more useless projects and cut and pastes.

    It is no wonder that I was once asked by a well meaning American educated person if I arrived in the USA from Australia by TRAIN! And that was right after I was asked what language we speak in Australia.

    So, good luck with your project. I doubt that it will make you any smarter but it certainly could give you an "A" on a piece of impressive looking paper.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  11. #11
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    Well, frankly speaking, iamjames doesn't do it just because of some school project. She is fond of sculpture and arts and wants to make it her future occupation. Just choose a new angle to look at the situatation.
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  12. #12
    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    Well, frankly speaking, iamjames doesn't do it just because of some school project. She is fond of sculpture and arts and wants to make it her future occupation. Just choose a new angle to look at the situatation.
    Yes, you are right,Ramil. I did not understand her post at first. But when I read it in the light of a sculpture it all makes sense.

    Sorry for my rant, Jamie.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  13. #13
    Властелин charlestonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    Well, frankly speaking, iamjames doesn't do it just because of some school project. She is fond of sculpture and arts and wants to make it her future occupation. Just choose a new angle to look at the situatation.
    Yes, you are right,Ramil. I did not understand her post at first. But when I read it in the light of a sculpture it all makes sense.

    Sorry for my rant, Jamie.
    Why did you call him Ramil ? It's Rtyom No more vodka for you today
    Well, I don't know what to say. I want to say thanks to the Academy, to Mama, to Papa and to my dog. I love you all.

  14. #14
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    do make sure to show some photos when you're done; I'm REALLY curious how will it look like
    and good luck with the project

  15. #15
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    I like the idea. Though it is not a new one, but very fertile for the artproject. And no doubts it is very difficult. Take one country of this list and you can devote all your life to depiction of the figures and events of its history and culture. If I were you I would try to answer these questions:

    What mean these 18 countries for me? Why there are 18? Will it make some complete figure or object?

    If I take away one or a pair of the countries of this list - will it change a lot? Or will it if I add five other countries?

    What are the foundations - the main idea which make these project unit?
    Does it have logic?

    then the next questions:

    What do you think the first when you think about every country?

    Who do you remember the first? Columb? Shakespeare? Ceasar? the scientists, geographers, artists, writers, kings, philosophers - there are too many of them in every country.

    I would make my idea more clear for perseption. I would take a symbols, alegories or signs. Not the events or people.

    And in my opinion any culture or history does not consist of WARS and conflicts like you said about America.

    One of my teachers - the man of a great talent made a set of the graphics dedicated to the Literatures of the different countries. It is very close to your idea from my point and it was made with excellence. Here what he did:

    In the center of every picture he drew a fine woman's silouette, which was white, but the field which made the silouette was overfilled by the easily recognisable allusions on the cultures and histories - the Spirit of different countries (England, Italy, Greece and so on). The English muse was made by the ship of the Elizbethan times, the sea waves, the Lion and Unicorn, the architecture, oak leaves and I can't recall all what was there - it was made with complete excellence. So it was very inventive and beautiful alegories, though no muse had a face or a costume (the silouettes were nude), but the idea was fine.

    I would take the idea of evey country.

    Take the banknotes of every country - you will find what every country itself is being proud of. (The last sentence was not in English I suppose and many other).

    And have the best luck - you can have a nice project.
    Я так думаю.

  16. #16
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    Alright, I understand now what you meant on the fact that America has bad schooling, I will not disagree with you any more, in fact, I wish I was not attending any public school, I wish I had the money to go to a private one. It was just a manner of misunderstandment towards one another.

    I will have some pictures on both myspace and on photobucket.
    Here is something I have made last year. It is noting spectacular or special. We had to make something that makes us happy.
    I personally like FEET. I don't know why, but I always have. I think that a human foot is the balance to everything. Also, I am proud of my Russian heritage, so I put the word happiness on the sculpture.

    Here is the link:

    Also I think I have an idea.
    I am tossing out the disk portion, and I am going to do something close to Leof's idea. You have inspired me.

    18 countries: We have to have 20 projects in the whole year, I am doing two sub pieces to tie all of the countries together.
    There really is no logic, but... I'm not sure I understand the question, could you rephrase it?

    I am going to be using symbols, they were going to be painted on the disk, somewhat as a base along with the current flag of that country.

    I think you are right about the war portion, but... I think it is some what important to learn about what a country has been trough... While wars are bad, they help make an understanding of what that country stands and believes in. Does that make sense?

    Any who. If you have any more ideas or suggestions please let me know! Thanks!

    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
    Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion

  17. #17
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    I try to explain with my bad English why I have voted"no".
    This project is art work but not school work. It's different things. I agree with DDT here that you should make more academic study than simple 'flight of soul.'

    Russian proverb: "to separate flys from cutlets'
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    Please correct me when I'm wrong

  18. #18
    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlestonian

    Why did you call him Ramil ? It's Rtyom No more vodka for you today
    Must have been bad olives in my Martinis.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  19. #19
    Властелин charlestonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Quote Originally Posted by charlestonian

    Why did you call him Ramil ? It's Rtyom No more vodka for you today
    Must have been bad olives in my Martinis.
    Yeah, that was it
    Well, I don't know what to say. I want to say thanks to the Academy, to Mama, to Papa and to my dog. I love you all.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhail_S
    I try to explain with my bad English why I have voted"no".
    This project is art work but not school work. It's different things. I agree with DDT here that you should make more academic study than simple 'flight of soul.'

    Russian proverb: "to separate flys from cutlets'
    I dont follow you. 'flight of the soul'? Make more of an academic study? What do you mean by that?
    Hate= to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
    Love= an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion

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