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Thread: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

  1. #21
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Originally from Almaty, Kazakhstan
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    Quote Originally Posted by Иван
    Ok, I try to do it with my lame english. (not too bad!)
    HAVE YOU EVER......

    Picked berries or mushrooms in the forest?
    I picked mushrooms both in the forest and steppe. (something new for me "Steppe," would you write more about this in a thread? Post some photos??If you want, you can use this thread viewtopic.php?f=43&t=17326)
    Rockzmom thank you very much for your corrections. As I discovered to myself, steppe is a russian word, english analog is prairie. There are several kinds of steppe: forest steppe, desert steppe, mountain steppe, meadow steppe and etc. Common trait of all the steppes is flat grassy land where there are no trees. I posted some photos and comments about Kazakh steppe and mountains were I used to be. All photos were made by others peoples in Almaty suburb.
    Science is the systematic classification of experience. (c) George Henry Lewes

  2. #22

    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Wow - interesting responses!

    As we all know, "there are lies, damn lies and statistics..... ! "
    So here are some interesting "statistics" from this survey so far:
    1) All Russian people who answered the survey have built a PC from separate components. This is *very* impressive. I don't know anybody in the UK who does that, other than people who work in IT and are a bit geeky (like me).

    2) One person (Martin) knows how to make "banana wine". I didn't even know such a thing existed!

    3) Most people can't drive and/or can't fix a car. But full score for Rockzmom and Basil77 on this point - respect!!

    4) Practically verybody has travelled without paying (or without paying full price) on public transport. Or decline to respond!

    5) Nobody in Russia has had their house/flat broken into, but one person in America has been the victim of burglary.

    6) Two separate people in Russia mention that they have taken part in shooting duck as game. Interesting! What kind of ducks?

    9) Iti-ogo and I have lived in the most amounts of countries (USSR/Russia/Ukraine/Italy) and (Sweden/Finland/UK)

    10) Most people are more sensible than me, and have NOT bought any very expensive clothes that they never wore...

    11) Nobody on the forum has crossed the International Date Line or managed to keep a diary/blog for over a year.

    12) Many people have done military service - is this still mandatory in Russia?

    13) Hardly anybody has travelled on the Transsiberian Railway. Surprising! Trans-sib is mythical, has cult-status in Europe. EVERYONE wants to travel on this railway... If not for the the Visa restrictions, the Transib would be packed with Dutch, Scandis, Germans....

    Good quotes
    Yes. I fired from a Kalashnikov when I finished university.
    Darn, why didn't I think of doing that??

    I won 1 rouble once (a soviet full weight rouble - you could buy 5 ice creams for it or make 20 trips on public transport
    Bring back the USSR!

    I was owned LADA 2105 during 7 years and went on it about 300 000 km... you can imagine rest . I
    Respect to you for replacing the gears! About Ladas: I think they're cute.. and I've heard they're very good for Arctic conditions. Because they are basic there aren't a lot of things that can fail.

    A Finnish guy I know bought one while at uni and fixed it up and used it for ice racing on frozen lakes (popular sport in rural Scandinavia - is this popular in Russia too?). He was very successful for several years. I think Ladas are very light or something.

    I drove from California to Maryland and that is a little bit more than 1/3 of the length of the Railway. About 3,700 km and change.
    I'd love to hear more about this trip when you feel inspired!
    For me Church is an ideological enemy, the temple of a grief, a death and spiritual slavery. “Every man and every woman is a star. <…> Come forth, o children, under the stars, and take your fill of love! I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy. <…> I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice”.
    Jesus would be sorry to hear you say that....
    But the quote is interesting! Where does it come from?

  3. #23

    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    I would love to visit Kazakhstan. It has always interested me. I'm guessing that you miss it a bit. Interesting to hear that TranslationsNMRU also comes from there.

    And: SORRY!!!!

    I said I would help to correct the mistakes in this thread - instead I did nothing for several days. Luckily Rockzmom was sweet enough to help. I will check in on this thread tomorrow and see what I can correct.
    I got distracted by the political forum - ranting withCrocodile, Ramil and some others....

  4. #24
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    [sba5d163]the[/sba5d163] a (car ?) road accident
    Yes, I had some collision of interests with the truck on the road and it was a bit stressful situation. Maybe it is a "traffic accident"? But I was not in a car myself.

    and later in a hospital (if it was because of the same accident, you would say "and AGAIN later in THE hospital").
    Right. Looks a bit tricky.

    [quoteba5d163]Made your own applesauce or similar, from scratch?
    I did not understand this. (okay.. have you made any jams, fruit spreads or such at home? Not store bought. Applesauce is when you take sweet fresh apples, cook them, mash them up and add cinnamon. It can be chunky style or smooth )[/quoteba5d163]

    Ah, I got it. I thought it was a kind of idiom.

    No, I have not.

    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

  5. #25
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    1) All Russian people who answered the survey have built a PC from separate components.
    Ha ha... It's an interesting point. Because even me (the one who didn't answer the survey) can do that, too.

    (Sorry, I didn't answer because I didn't understand well all the questions.)
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  6. #26

    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Olya it would be interesting to hear your responses! When you have time, if you want to, just answer the ones that you understand! Sorry, I did not mean to confuse anyone - I remember very well how hard English can be while you are still learning.

    It seems a few people didn't understand the question about Apple sauce.
    It means: Did you pick apples yourself (from trees) and make jam/marmelade from them? In English, it's called "apple sauce" even though it's not a sauce.

    I'll try to think of some new better questions and update them a bit.
    I'll use clearer language and explain the questions.
    If any good questions come to mind, please post them!

  7. #27
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Quote Originally Posted by Звездочёт
    For me Church is an ideological enemy, the temple of a grief, a death and spiritual slavery. “Every man and every woman is a star. <…> Come forth, o children, under the stars, and take your fill of love! I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy. <…> I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice”.
    Jesus would be sorry to hear you say that....
    But the quote is interesting! Where does it come from?

    While you are only a Christian layman, you can’t understand me. Our visions of Jesus, God and angels, and church visions are not same. Laymen are in captivity of their own illusions: people think, angels are beautiful creatures, which only plays harp, and the Church Law is the Love, the Compassion and the Joy of Life. That’s why laymen, which are in embrace of the Church’s mother myth, can’t understand “apostates”, who looks into the depth of Christian doctrine.

    Easy example — according Christian doctrine you was born already sinful because of Adam and Eve. So you must feel repentance that you are a human! It means, if you are a true Christian, you must have the “inferiority complex”. Can you explain why it’s a just? Do not forget, according theology the God is just.

    Believe me, Christian layman can’t explain it, because original sin is a metaphor, which a bases on ancient Gnostic doctrine “the matter is an evil”. Therefore, all matter things are an evil, and if you joy of them, you sin. Do you like an apple jam? You sin. Do you like your room? You sin. Do you like foreign languages and cultures? You sin. Do you love your relations more then God? You sin very (just recall the story about Abraham and Isaac)! You sin anywhere and everywhere! And if you wish to be poor, you must repent, you must feel a soul pain. Only pain in Christianity is way to the God! Look at monks.

    In theory, pain is only part of the Way, and after a “depression” you will feel true joy. However, in practice the Church hold a flock in “depression” state, and repeat magic words: “sin”, “repentance”, “holy pain”, "Devil".

    But there is another way. This way annul doctrine “the matter is an evil” and enunciate the principle:
    “Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt”.

    I’m not a thelemite, however I’m agree with thelema doctrine.

  8. #28
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    I remember very well how hard English can be while you are still learning.
    It's also hard when you are not already learning it.


    Grown your own vegetables?

    Fixed a broken car that wouldn't start?
    No, I can't even drive.

    Is this "потерять сознание"? Yes, many times in childhood and less when I was a teenager - I was a very weak girl.

    Been robbed (mugged) on the street?

    Crossed the International Date Line?

    Shot/trapped an animal and later eaten it?

    Been awake for 48 hours without any sleep?
    Hmm... Maybe yes, but I don't remember it.

    Been on a serious hiking/camping trip in the wilderness?
    I recall sort of a camping trip when I was in a summer camp with other kids (I don't remember how old I was, maybe about 10); there was a small boggy place near some bank, and they all stood around it and said, "oh, it's a boggy place, it's so scary!", and I put my leg on that place; some seconds later I could hardly take it out, it sank up to my knee.

    Fired a [real, potentially lethal] weapon?

    Picked berries or mushrooms in the forest?
    Yes, many times in childhood.

    Made your own applesauce or similar, from scratch?

    Visited Kazakhstan?

    Lived in a house that did not have electricity/and or running water?
    Ha ha ha! Yes, of course! In Russia it happens very often.
    Once I woke up and did not find even gas in the gas cooker in my kitchen. Those days we on this forum talked a lot of the possibility of a nuclear war, and I was quite afraid by those talkings, to be honest. Those who would survive, would suffer endless privations... So, I woke up, went to the kitchen and took the radiator; it was cold (later it turned out it was defective). Then I wanted to prepare some tea and try to turn the gas on. There was no gas. And then I thought, "That's what you nuclear war is like..."

    Been inside a Mosque?

    Built a computer from separate components?
    Many times. Formerly I found it very interesting.

    Been in the military?

    Travelled without paying on public transport?

    Visited Texas
    No... Where is it?

    Been on TV?

    Passed out from too much booze?
    It's a secret.
    (And it was a very long time ago, too. )

    Been arrested by the police?
    Never. We in Russia don't have police. :P

    Travelled on the Transiberian Railway?
    I think not...

    Bought a VERY EXPENSIVE piece of clothing that you NEVER used?
    VERY EXPENSIVE? I think not.

    Lived in a different country than the one you live in now?
    Yes, USSR...

    Kept a blog or a diary for over a year?
    Over a year? I'm not sure. Maybe it was longer than a year, I could check it, but I'm not in the mood now.

    Had your house broken into?

    Studied a foreign language other than Russian/English?
    some Chinese (I don't remember anything except five or ten words, maybe)
    some French
    some Norwegian (it has three so very cool letters )
    some Polish
    some Ukrainian
    Maybe I forgot something.

    Painted a room yourself?
    In Russia, we usually don't paint rooms; we hang wallpaper. I have such experience.

    Made a dress / skirt / trousers / top yourself that you use often?
    I think I didn't...

    Won a big competition?

    Been attacked by a hooligan?
    Once when I was... 9? 10? 11?.. I bought a chewing gum ("Donald") in a vendor stall and went through a quiet courtyard. Suddenly some boy came up to me and said, "Парень, отдавай "Дональд"". I was so taken aback that I only could answer confusedly, "Я не парень..." He disappeared right away, without a trace.

    Won in a lottery?
    If yes, I don't remember it.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  9. #29
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Been arrested by the police?
    Never. We in Russia don't have police. :P
    Ha-ha, it's witty. But what about the militia? You avoided the answer. Hmm... Do you keep something from us?

  10. #30
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Originally from Almaty, Kazakhstan
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Been attacked by a hooligan?
    Once when I was... 9? 10? 11?.. I bought a chewing gum ("Donald") in a vendor stall and went through a quiet courtyard. Suddenly some boy came up to me and said, "Парень, отдавай "Дональд"". I was so taken aback that I only could answer confusedly, "Я не парень..." He disappeared right away, without a trace.
    Funny story I laughed a lot
    Science is the systematic classification of experience. (c) George Henry Lewes

  11. #31
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Grown your own vegetables?
    => Yes in dacha.

    Fixed a broken car that wouldn't start?
    => No, I can only drive.

    => Yes, it happened once. I lost some blood.

    Been robbed (mugged) on the street?
    => As a kid, yes.

    Crossed the International Date Line?
    => On a plane at least once a year, sometimes twice.

    Shot/trapped an animal and later eaten it?
    => Does that include fishing?

    Been awake for 48 hours without any sleep?
    => Yes.

    Been on a serious hiking/camping trip in the wilderness?
    => If you can count in army, then yes.

    Fired a [real, potentially lethal] weapon?
    => Yes.

    Picked berries or mushrooms in the forest?
    => Yes, of course.

    Made your own applesauce or similar, from scratch?
    => If you count in jam, then yes. Many times.

    Been in Church for an Easter or Christmas Service?
    => Yes. But I'm not Christian.

    Visited Kazakhstan?
    => No.

    Lived in a house that did not have electricity/and or running water?
    => In a dacha, yes.

    Been inside a Mosque?
    => Yes. But I'm not Muslim.

    Been to the funeral of a close family member?
    => Yes.

    Built a computer from separate components?
    => Got paid for it for some time back in my U days.

    Been in the military?
    => Yes.

    Travelled without paying on public transport?
    => As a kid, yes.

    Visited Texas?
    => No.

    Been on TV?
    => No.

    Passed out from too much booze?
    => No.

    Been arrested by the police?
    => No.

    Travelled on the Transiberian Railway?
    => No.

    Bought a VERY EXPENSIVE piece of clothing that you NEVER used?
    => No.

    Lived in a different country than the one you live in now?
    => Yes.

    Kept a blog or a diary for over a year?
    => No.

    Had your house broken into?
    => No.

    Studied a foreign language other than Russian/English?
    => Yes.

    Painted a room yourself?
    => Yes.

    Made a dress / skirt / trousers / top yourself that you use often?
    => No.

    Won a big competition?
    => No.

    Been attacked by a hooligan?
    => Yes, as a kid.

    Won in a lottery?
    => I won an iPod in a corporate lottery. I gave that as a BD present to my friend in Ukraine (it was a rare thing back then).

  12. #32
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Звездочёт
    Ha-ha, it's witty. But what about the militia?
    Either not. :P
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  13. #33

    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Some corrections, as promised .

    Quote Originally Posted by "Звездочёт":1zby0iez
    Ha-ha, [s:1zby0iez]it&#39;s[/s:1zby0iez] that's witty. But what about the militia?
    Either not. :P[/quote:1zby0iez]
    => No, neither. (Because you mean that you were never arrested by any law enforcement agency, be it police or militia....)

    More coming

  14. #34

    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Da croc!
    Grown your own vegetables?
    => Yes in dacha.

    Crossed the International Date Line?
    => On a plane at least once a year, sometimes twice.

    Shot/trapped an animal and later eaten it?
    => Does that include fishing?
    I think you just forgot "a" in the first response ("a dacha")- this is basic stuff for you.

    Hm... yes it's got to include fishing! I didn't think about it because I haven't been fishing since I was about 10... But that should be included. Fish are animals too!

    Here in England people who fish are CRAZY! What they do is: They catch the fish, then they throw it BACK in the water...! Because they don't think the fish is healthy to eat, and they consider the fishing to be a SPORT. They don't care about eating it. This is so silly that it's hard to believe that it's true -- but it happens right outside my house.

    Crocodile, you are the only person on this forum who has passed the International date line. Is that when you travel Toronto - Moscow?

  15. #35

    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    some Norwegian (it has three so very cool letters )
    You mean å ä ø ?

    Haha - half the people I know who studied Russian in school did it because of Ж Б Ю Ф Я Д... (But then we all had a shock when we had to learn Cyrillic handwriting in about 1 day. And I never understood how to write "ф"... )

  16. #36
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Crocodile, you are the only person on this forum who has passed the International date line. Is that when you travel Toronto - Moscow?
    That's right. Toronto - Kiev to be more specific.

    And yes, missing out articles is a plague.

  17. #37
    Почётный участник
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Grown your own vegetables?
    Yes in dacha.

    Fixed a broken car that wouldn't start?

    Been robbed (mugged) on the street?

    Crossed the International Date Line?
    Shot/trapped an animal and later eaten it?
    Yes. In army have shot a bear

    Been awake for 48 hours without any sleep?
    But only with a dope - лимонник

    Been on a serious hiking/camping trip in the wilderness?

    Fired a [real, potentially lethal] weapon?

    Picked berries or mushrooms in the forest?
    Yes, every year.

    Made your own applesauce or similar, from scratch?
    Yes, every year. My vife.

    Been in Church for an Easter or Christmas Service?

    Visited Kazakhstan?

    Lived in a house that did not have electricity/and or running water?

    Been inside a Mosque?
    no. Though in their city a little
    Been to the funeral of a close family member?

    Built a computer from separate components?
    Yes. I have collected the first computer in 1989

    Been in the military?

    Travelled without paying on public transport?

    Visited Texas?

    Been on TV?

    Passed out from too much booze?
    Было такое. В армии (после вахты) мы приготовили 3 литра «Ланы» (дело было во время сухого закона). Придя в часть мы отметились, позавтракали, взяли автомат и пошли в тайгу – выпить. Погуляли очень хорошо. Когда пришли в себя …. Ну похмелье было конечно тяжелым. Но рядом с нами был застреленный медведь. Автомат был совсем пустой. Кто и когда стрелял…. Ну вы поняли –никто не помнил.

    Been arrested by the police?

    Travelled on the Transiberian Railway?
    Yes. Some times Ufa - Habarovsk
    Bought a VERY EXPENSIVE piece of clothing that you NEVER used?
    No. Never

    Lived in a different country than the one you live in now?

    Kept a blog or a diary for over a year?

    Had your house broken into?

    Studied a foreign language other than Russian/English?

    Painted a room yourself?

    Made a dress / skirt / trousers / top yourself that you use often?
    No. Never

    Won a big competition?

    Been attacked by a hooligan?
    I do not know what to tell. I was the hooligan.

    Won in a lottery?
    Yes. I miracle have not got to Afghanistan

  18. #38
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    You mean å ä ø ?
    Yep. Or rather å and ø, because ö is not something special, German has it, too
    Swedish doesn't have ø, only å, that's why I decided to learn Norwegian and not Swedish.

    By the way, an article at the end of the word, as a part of the word, shocked me a lot. I find it very difficult.

    P.S. Oops, no! I meant å, ø, and æ (a very cool letter too)! Norwegian doesn't have ä.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  19. #39
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    That's right. Toronto - Kiev to be more specific.
    Wait, they fly EAST from Toronto to get to Kiev? Wouldn't it be closer to fly over the Atlantic?

    Are we talking of the same thing here?
    The international date line runs between Alaska and Chukotka like this:

    Send me a PM if you need me.

  20. #40
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: HAVE YOU EVER.... ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Wait, they fly EAST from Toronto to get to Kiev? Wouldn't it be closer to fly over the Atlantic? Are we talking of the same thing here?
    You're right, I fly the other way. So, no, I never crossed the international date line then. Count me in your club.

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