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Thread: Happy Victory Day!

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    It looks scary climbing up on that thing, what if he falls.
    But uh...YAY! Happy Mother's Day!
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  3. #3
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    Ah, interesting, I've never seen that photo with all of the bottom showing. Usually it is cut off so you can't see the man holding up the guy with the flag.

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    Respect to veterans of The Great Patriotic War and for everyone who took part in stopping and destroying the nazism.

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    That photo was edited by the Sov
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  6. #6
    N is offline
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    [quote=TheMoonMonst3r]That photo was edited by the Sov

  7. #7
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    [quote=TheMoonMonst3r]That photo was edited by the Sov
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  8. #8
    DDT is offline
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    For some time now the History Channel has been covering Russia's part in WWII. The Russian Army and the German Army had some hellacious battles of the likes that the Allies did not experience. It was quite a thing!

    Many of the Russian soldiers who were there were interviewed for the programme. I suggest anyone interested in Russia to keep an eye on the History Channel. Many of the episodes on WWII and Nazis include footage of Russian soldiers.
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  9. #9
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    Thats a point... VE day is for victory in europe over the nazi regime, not the germans as a whole, remember that national socialism was onl a political party and not everyone was a member, also take into account thatafter the fall of nazi germany the cold war began, and again that was a political party, and like the war due to a dictator, also i cant diss you guys on that for stalin and from what me dad tells me you guys were fine when he was patrolling the border in berlin...

    so as was said above it is not a German bashing day...
    Watch out yall the great destroyer and the lord of plague is here... yeah right

  10. #10
    Старший оракул
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    DDT -> Was that the "Blood Upon The Snow" series (title was something like that)?
    Pretty good. The archive footage was just ... gobsmacking.
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    You know, Waxwing I don't remember the actual name of the series. I think that it was just listed as "Hitlers War" or "The Last Days Of WW II". "Blood Upon the Snow" doesn't ring a bell but I will keep an eye out for a series with those words in it.

    The History Channel sometimes has great documentaries. Mostly from the American point of view. I would love to see footage of Australian troops and campaigns once in a while. Actually I did once see some footage of a relative of mine, "Weary" Dunlop. He was the camp doctor/prisoner of the Japanese POW camp that was forced to build the bridge on the River Kwai. But that's about all I have ever seen mentioned of Aussie troops.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  12. #12
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    [quote="TheMoonMonst3r"]That photo was edited by the Sov

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    When you mention it, his arm does look kinda unnatural! As if it has been edited!
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  14. #14
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    A "touched up", "doctored" photo? I am shocked! If the flag is being raised on the top of the highest building, then where was the photographer, flying?^vctry.html#photo
    In Erich Kuby’s book entitled The Russians And Berlin, on page 60 he says:

    It seems strange that the Russians should have looked upon the Reichstag, deserted since the [Nazi started] fire of February 1933, and now an empty piece of masonry, its windows and doors bricked up, as the symbol of Germany... ...Mednikov describes this historic action in great detail. About noon on April 28, one of our battalions advanced on the Spree. At the same time the commander of the regiment, Col. F.M. Zinchenko, took charge of a red banner...expressly set aside for planting on the dome. It was Red Banner No.5 of the [150th Rifle Division] 3rd Shock Army...[it was] twenty-three-year-old Capt. Stefan Andreyevich [who eventually] battled their way into the building, fighting for every room and corridor...Noystroev ordered a shock detachment commanded by Lt. Berest to escort the two [Zinchenko appointed regimental] standard-bearers...[who] took nearly half a day to reach the dome. At 10:50 P.M. on April 30, the banner of victory was unfurled over the Reichstag. From this account it becomes clear that the famous photograph [by Khaldei] of [standard-bearers] Egorov and Kantariya planting the Red Flag on the roof of the Reichstag could not have been taken at that historic moment. For a start, it was dark at 10:50 p.m., while the picture was obviously taken in broad daylight. Moreover, the soldiers in the street appear to be moving about quite fearleesly and openly, which they would not have done had fighting still been going on all around them-as it was at the time the banner was first held aloft. If we look more closely, we see that there is no trace of anything on the vulgar pinnacle of the Reichstag to which a flag pole could have been attached. The soldier is simply holding up the flag in a dramatic pose. In other words, the world-famous photograph must have been taken a day or two after the storming of the Reichstag.
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    Yes I believe you are right about the photo being taken later. At least the next day later. I saw an interview with one of the Russian soldiers involed in the storming of that building. He was quite clear that they fought till after dark that day in order to take the building. That photo was taken in broad daylight.
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  16. #16
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    that wouldnt suprise me in the slightest, i mean the red army did a reinacting of the flag raising in berlin the day after the event to show stalin, also the yanks did the same on D-day and when the island hopping had finished in japan...
    Watch out yall the great destroyer and the lord of plague is here... yeah right

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