Привет всем!
I've just found that wonderful site, and I think I'm gonna spend some time here, it's an incredible source to learn russian language!
As I wrote in the title, I'm here basically to "find" someone interested in an EVS project in Russia like me.
I've engaged myself in an EVS project (for the ones who don't know what it is, I can give some explanations or better look HERE, it's basically a long term volunteer service abroad), 12 months in Russia, and I've been accepted.
The project I found needs 6 volunteers from all the EU countries, aged between 18 and 25, but for now there are only 3 of us. if there aren't 6 volunteers, the project won't take place.
Now, I am not trying to promote anything, just giving some information about that (it hasn't been very easy to find out that, I can assure you), maybe someone would be interested in such great experience.
I'm italian, so I contacted the italian department of YAP (you can find the project descriptions here, it's in italian but if you click the links everything is in english), but if you mail them, they will bring you to the competent association in your country.
Ok, I don't wanna make you bored, if you have any questions I'm gonna do my best to answer them (I had a 2-day meeting at YAP centre) or you can e-mail YAP Italy directly.
Большой спосибо![]()