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Thread: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

  1. #1

    Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    What is rude in the Russian-speaking world?
    What etiquette rules should people (particularly foreigners) remember?

    Has a foreigner you know done anything that you really got angry or irritated about because it seemed rude or offensive? What was it?

    1) Take off the shoes when entering a house/flat? Or leave them on?

    2. Bring a small gift / flower / booze when you go to a party?

    3. Is it rude to discuss politics or religion at a party?

    4. Is it ok for foreigners to complain about things that they might think are bad in Russia? (such as bureacracy or poor service in shops...)

    5. Insult famous Russian "icons" like Pushkin, Tsars, Tolstoy, Gagarin, Lenin, Vysotsky, Alla Pugatjova... ?

    6. Accidentally saying "ты" when you ought to say "вы" or vice versa?

    7. Giving up your seat on the bus or metro (what are the "rules")?

    8. Dating in Russia - what should men and women bear in mind that might be different from Europe or North America?

    Erm that's all I can think of right now... Please add if you think of more / better examples?

  2. #2
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    I visited Russia the summer before and there i visited friends. I always took my shoes off when i entered their houses. They all do that.
    Sorry about my English...

  3. #3
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    I don't think we Russians have some really strong rules someone shouldn't break. I think we are simplier than people in other countries. Well, of course, if you pick your nose in public, it would be... not rude, but just considered as very very bad manners. People would think you are crazy or something, maybe; and would not like to communicate with you.

    P.S. Taking off the shoes when entering a flat often is not needed. It depends on what the hosts say. But if you don't ask if you should take your shoes off, then yes, it can be considered as misbehaviour.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  4. #4
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Taking off shoes is usually just a display of good manners in Russia. Unless the the host specifically says you don't need to, it's a good idea.
    Discussing politics, religion or any other serious matters, just depends on the type of party and the people that surround you. If someone wants to strike a conversation about political stories, then why not.
    You would give up a seat in public transport if you see an elderly person, or a pregnant woman... Basically, Russian belief is that if you're young, healthy, (and not pregnant) then show some courtesy to the ones in those categories.
    About insulting national icons... Where is that OK?

    Generally, if you show good intentions, respect, and are sensitive to people around you, you should be fine in Russia.

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Russians buy even number of flowers only for mourning actions.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    What is rude in the Russian-speaking world?
    What etiquette rules should people (particularly foreigners) remember?

    Has a foreigner you know done anything that you really got angry or irritated about because it seemed rude or offensive? What was it?

    [size=45]1) Take off the shoes when entering a house/flat? Or leave them on?
    Look, would you really leave your shoes on after something like this?

    2. Bring a small gift / flower / booze when you go to a party?
    It's a neutral thing.

    3. Is it rude to discuss politics or religion at a party?
    Depends on the company, sometimes it's even refreshing. Although, there is a saying - when guests start talking of politics then it's time to go home.

    4. Is it ok for foreigners to complain about things that they might think are bad in Russia? (such as bureacracy or poor service in shops...)
    Hmm, a difficult question. It's allright I think to complain but don't be insulting at that.

    5. Insult famous Russian "icons" like Pushkin, Tsars, Tolstoy, Gagarin, Lenin, Vysotsky, Alla Pugatjova... ?
    That depends on your company again. Insulting is one thing but ridicule is another. If your ridicule is smart and has some merit (and the company is right) it will do, but I doubt you will win any points being insulting.

    6. Accidentally saying "ты" when you ought to say "вы" or vice versa?
    This can pass. Moreover, your counterpart might offer to stay on 'ты' basis after that. I see nothing wrong in it, especially for a foreigner.

    7. Giving up your seat on the bus or metro (what are the "rules")?
    It's considered polite to stand up if an elderly person is standing nearby. Also a woman with some heavy bags. Well, guys can offer thery seat to a pretty girl, for example. If you don't stand up this wouldn't be considered as outrage either.

    8. Dating in Russia - what should men and women bear in mind that might be different from Europe or North America?
    Men pay. Women do not. This is the main difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa
    Russians buy even number of flowers only for mourning actions.
    Yes, this is a thing one should remember. You bring odd number of flowers to celebrations and even number of flowers to funerals.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  7. #7
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa
    Russians buy even number of flowers only for mourning actions.
    Yes, this is a thing one should remember. You bring odd number of flowers to celebrations and even number of flowers to funerals.
    Okay, I'll bite... WHY the odd vs. even thing?
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
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  8. #8
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Okay, I'll bite... WHY the odd vs. even thing?
    Nobody remembers the reason.
    Please correct my English

  9. #9
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    Okay, I'll bite... WHY the odd vs. even thing?
    One version is: "Половина - покойнику, половина - Богу"...
    A half for the the deceased a half for God

  10. #10
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    8. Dating in Russia - what should men and women bear in mind that might be different from Europe or North America?
    A man should not bring yellow flowers to his woman.
    Some women believe that yellow colour is colour of treachery (?unfaithfulness, infidelity? неверность,измена).

  11. #11
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    I can add something: men shake hands with men, women do neither with men nor with women.
    Please correct my English

  12. #12
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Discussing religion, politics, ethnicity-related things or money is a very sleepy thing internationally, nevermind in Russia or elsewhere. Salespeople are trained that.
    Please correct my English

  13. #13
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    correction: slippy thing
    Please correct my English

  14. #14

    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Quote Originally Posted by Ленивец
    correction: slippy thing
    lol, actually it's "slippery thing"!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ленивец
    I can add something: men shake hands with men, women do neither with men nor with women.
    Oh interesting. I'll bear that in mind. Thanks!

  15. #15
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    lol, actually it's "slippery thing"!
    But somebody wants to sleep when hear such things.

  16. #16
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Oh interesting. I'll bear that in mind. Thanks!
    I think it is better you use not only mind but the paper also. There are still a plenty of such interesting things. Nobody can keep in mind they all.

  17. #17
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    lol, actually it's "slippery thing"!
    Thank you! (I hope it's not flood)
    Please correct my English

  18. #18
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    There are several things that considered bad omens like to whistle inside a house or keep empty bottles on a table.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  19. #19
    Увлечённый спикер jjjiimm's Avatar
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Aside from the important (and universal) ettiquette, why learn the superstitions? Not all of them are like that and nobody should expect you to buy an odd number of flowers if you're from America or some other foreign country.

  20. #20
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    Re: Etiquette in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus

    Quote Originally Posted by jjjiimm
    ..nobody should expect you to buy an odd number of flowers if you're from America or some other foreign country.
    Yeah, except of those Russians who believe that buying an odd number of flowers is a universal law of ettiquette. Not everyone knows that it doesn't matter in other countries. Others can percieve this not as a superstition, but more more as a tradition.
    Anyway, it's always good to be a little more perceptive than your average tourist.

    What about whistling and similar things - nobody really takes them seriously, though some can comment on this "slur" in a joking manner.

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