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American saying for this case: "Kiss it up to God, girl!" (At about the 1:40 mark)
Another American saying for this case would be something like: God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt! -- that's what they taught me in Boy Scouts!
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
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Nice that people agree with me about this! These "antibacterial spray" commercials are particularly bad because they target women..... "Don't you care about the safety of your child....." etc! As if the child might get seriously ill if the mother didn't constantly use these products.
There was a big study comparing the state of health of Swedish kids, with kids from one of the Baltic states in the early 1990s - it got huge publicity because the findings were unexpected to the Swedish researchers. They found that in many aspects the Baltic kids were much healthier than the Swedish kids -- despite the problems that existed in the Baltics at the time; harder to get fresh vegetables, etc. I don't know what the quality of healthcare was in the Baltic states then, compared with Sweden.
Swedish kids were not in bad health at all, but the Baltic kids were more fit and had less allergies, excemas and asthma. One of the reasons given was that they had more more exposure to bugs. Also, they were more active outdoors, just playing and taking part in organised activities.
As a result of this study, their was an information campaign recommending parents NOT to overdo the cleaning, and make sure that the kids were not loafing around indoors but out, playing or being in a club.
Of course, this is 20 years ago, and nowadays kids play computer games for hours a day and antisceptic products are selling better than ever! In England there are plenty of kids of have early onset diabetes and are so overweight that they have to get their school uniforms from special shops for fat kids!
....Isn't it very strange that they (Germany) hasn't found the source of contamination yet...? What are the latest theories?
There is evidence that the actual source is a batch ofsprucessprouts from a specific food plant in Lower Saxony, Germany. Warnings against fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and salad are going to be lifted. It is not known yet, whether the contamination happened there; samples ofsprucessprouts from there which have been analyzed show no traces of contamination, but it might be possible that there was only one contaminated batch, and that might have been used up already. Meanwhile, the number of new infections is increasing.
Ehec-Epidemie: Entwarnung für Gurken, Tomaten und Salat - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wissenschaft
Last edited by bitpicker; June 11th, 2011 at 05:15 PM.
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Hmmm... people got e.coli from contaminated Christmas trees?!
(Looking at the German article... aha, "Sprossen" -- searching for "Sprossen" on Google Images -- oooh, bean sprouts!)
"Spruce" is a type of ёлка. And after checking Wikipedia I've learned that "sprouts" are ростки, but if you mean specifically "mung-bean sprouts" (the most popular and widely-sold kind) then it's ростки бобов мунг. Good to know!
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
Aaaah, sorry. My mistake.Indeed, sprouts.
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