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Thread: cyrillic alphabet and slavic peoples?

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    cyrillic alphabet and slavic peoples?

    My Russian Culture teacher wants us to do a research about the creation of the cyrillic alphabet and the organization of the slavic peoples.
    I never really stopped to think how those two topics are connected.
    Can anyone recommend me some website or something? Cause I'd like to read about it and it's been hard to find something decent with enough information.

    Also, how many Early cyrillic alphabets existed before the one used nowadays? I have an article here that shows an old alphabet in which the letters were really complex small drawings! I think it's the Glagolitic alphabet... Now Wikipedia shows a different "Early cyrillic alphabet". There might have been others, right?

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    search on wikipedia, it is the best site for this info
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  3. #3
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    Re: cyrillic alphabet and slavic peoples?

    Quote Originally Posted by erika
    My Russian Culture teacher wants us to do a research about the creation of the cyrillic alphabet and the organization of the slavic peoples.
    I never really stopped to think how those two topics are connected.
    Can anyone recommend me some website or something? Cause I'd like to read about it and it's been hard to find something decent with enough information.

    Also, how many Early cyrillic alphabets existed before the one used nowadays? I have an article here that shows an old alphabet in which the letters were really complex small drawings! I think it's the Glagolitic alphabet... Now Wikipedia shows a different "Early cyrillic alphabet". There might have been others, right?
    Well, alphabets evolve over time. It's like saying to a kid 'how many times have you changed height in your life?'
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remyisme
    search on wikipedia, it is the best site for this info
    Teachers tend to hate wikipedia though. You may want to use Omniglot -- if not in place of, just as a second source:
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Бармалей
    Quote Originally Posted by Remyisme
    search on wikipedia, it is the best site for this info
    Teachers tend to hate wikipedia though. You may want to use Omniglot -- if not in place of, just as a second source:
    Teachers tend to hate Wikipedia, and Omniglot, and the like.

    Although I find Omniglot very useful.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  6. #6
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    Re: cyrillic alphabet and slavic peoples?

    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Quote Originally Posted by erika
    My Russian Culture teacher wants us to do a research about the creation of the cyrillic alphabet and the organization of the slavic peoples.
    I never really stopped to think how those two topics are connected.
    Can anyone recommend me some website or something? Cause I'd like to read about it and it's been hard to find something decent with enough information.

    Also, how many Early cyrillic alphabets existed before the one used nowadays? I have an article here that shows an old alphabet in which the letters were really complex small drawings! I think it's the Glagolitic alphabet... Now Wikipedia shows a different "Early cyrillic alphabet". There might have been others, right?
    Well, alphabets evolve over time. It's like saying to a kid 'how many times have you changed height in your life?'

  7. #7
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Alternatively, any book dealing with Slavic migrations should mention Cyril and Methodicus; from which you need merely trace their route to Greater Moravia, the Glagolithic being used in modern day Croatia (It lost steam, being replaced with the latin alphabet)[perhaps also explaining the creation of Dalmatian Romance language]; and finally the adopting of a primative church Slavonic in the Bulgar Empire. This should be the oldest.

  8. #8
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    Re: cyrillic alphabet and slavic peoples?

    Quote Originally Posted by erika
    My Russian Culture teacher wants us to do a research about the creation of the cyrillic alphabet and the organization of the slavic peoples.
    I never really stopped to think how those two topics are connected.
    Can anyone recommend me some website or something? Cause I'd like to read about it and it's been hard to find something decent with enough information.

    Also, how many Early cyrillic alphabets existed before the one used nowadays? I have an article here that shows an old alphabet in which the letters were really complex small drawings! I think it's the Glagolitic alphabet... Now Wikipedia shows a different "Early cyrillic alphabet". There might have been others, right?
    The Glagolitic alphabet is not an early form of a Cyrillic alphabet. The one in the Wikipedia article is the correct one.
    There are multiple Cyrillic alphabets now, and this separation is the only possible link I can think of between the alphabet and "the organization of Slavic peoples" -- you could probably talk about how these alphabets originated, it looks like the wikipedia has that information and further references.

  9. #9
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    Interesting info guys, but I doubt it's going to help her much now, seeing as she had to do her homework a month ago...
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