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Thread: Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?!

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?!

    Hi all,

    A while ago, I purchased books from without a problem. I suppose this is the largest 'general stuff' website in Russia, which is why I used it.

    Yesterday, I was looking gifts for myself and my grandmothers. (We live in Brooklyn, NY.) Most of these were music (Аркадий Северный, Владимир Высoцкий, сборник других русских бардов, народные песни), videos (cartoons, movies), some books, and an audiobook. I spent a long time looking for the proper editions, etc., requested, only to find that at checkout, most of these things can't be shipped to the USA! I had no idea... no music, no videos, no audiobooks, and nothing, really, except books, can be shipped outside of Russia.

    I e-mailed the site and asked them if there is some other way to get it, such as pay an additional shipping charge, or whatever. I know this can't apply to all shipments, for the Russian bookstores, etc., that I've been in, in NYC, are full of identical items, and identical publishers. They e-mailed me back and said OZON can't ship anything at all, even if I were to pay an additional shipping charge.

    Is there some site, place, or method to get Russian music and videos from abroad over here? Or, maybe even better, does anyone know of a Russian megastore in NYC that actually would have a huge collection of books, music, etc.? Is there some online equivalent of, but based in America?

    Thank you!
    Я плохо пишу по-русски. Если я совершаю ошибки, или что-то собственное противно смыслу или глазам, поправляйте, пожалуйста.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин studyr's Avatar
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    Re: Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Sloth

    Is there some site, place, or method to get Russian music and videos from abroad over here? Or, maybe even better, does anyone know of a Russian megastore in NYC that actually would have a huge collection of books, music, etc.? Is there some online equivalent of, but based in America?
    There are trackers based in internet. The biggest one is (you have to register), the russian "pirate bay" and (you don't have to register).

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?!

    Wow, I didn't know they don't ship anything except books abroad. That's pretty strange. Anything and everything to keep people from learning Russian. No subtitles on Russian films and no films themselves. Ha!

    Maybe you can try this site -- It is supposed to be quite as reliable as ozon though I personally don't use it much.

    Мы осуществляем доставку заказов в страны Ближнего (СНГ и страны Балтии) и Дальнего зарубежья международной наземной и Авиа почтой, а также курьерской службой доставки UPS. Отправка заказа осуществляется только по предоплате. Стоимость доставки зависит от веса заказа и действующих почтовых тарифов, дополнительных наценок наш интернет-магазин в цену доставки не включает. Обратите внимание! Если заказ доставляется за пределы Российской Федерации, то форма,
    которую вы заполняете при регистрации и адрес доставки должны быть написаны латиницей - кроме тех стран СНГ, где корреспонденция, адресованная на русском языке, может быть корректно обработана (Белоруссия, Казахстан, Украина и другие). Будьте внимательны при указании Вашего региона - по нему будет рассчитываться стоимость почтовой пересылки заказа. Не забывайте также указывать почтовый индекс - это обычно ускоряет доставку.
    Международная наземная почта доставляет посылки в срок от 2-х до 10-ти недель в зависимости от удаленности страны или региона. АВИАпочта доставляет посылки в срок от 2-х до 6-ти недель. По таможенным правилам отправка книг производится отдельно от других товаров. Таможенные пошлины не включены и зависят от таможенных правил Вашей страны.
    (don't know what the part in bold means -- either books have to be ordered separately or they'll be sent as a separate parcel.
    Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
    The Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

  4. #4
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?!

    Thanks to both of you... I'll take a look! And, since the second site is talking about shipping stuff abroad, it means they're probably able to do it. I'll take a look, thanks!
    Я плохо пишу по-русски. Если я совершаю ошибки, или что-то собственное противно смыслу или глазам, поправляйте, пожалуйста.

  5. #5
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?!

    about 6 years or so ago (before torrents ) i used to order stuff to england from and never had any problems. they have books, movies, music etc
    Не откладывай на завтра того, с кем можешь переспать сегодня

  6. #6
    Властелин wanja's Avatar
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    Re: Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?!
    В основном мультфильмы, но есть и кой-какие фильмы.
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  7. #7
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Re: Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?!

  8. #8
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?!

    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин studyr's Avatar
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    Re: Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?!

  10. #10
    Властелин wanja's Avatar
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    Re: Buying Russian books, movies, music, etc., online... where?! - книги. Качайте, пока бесплатный!
    Семь бед, один Reset

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