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Thread: Berlitz Language School??

  1. #1
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    Berlitz Language School??

    I am having trouble keeping a self-pased structure for learning Russian so I have contacted Berlitz learning schools for information on some of their programs. Since I am a full-time (and then some) employee I will have to use their online or semi-private courses.

    Has anyone in here ever used them?

    They are pretty large and have sites all over the world so this was the best one I could find but if anyone knows of better ones I am open to suggestions.


  2. #2
    Увлечённый спикер
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    berlitz has very good language courses. but they are very expensive.

  3. #3
    Tom is offline
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    I looked into taking a one-week full immersion Berlitz course a couple years ago. After careful analysis, I realized that it was cheaper to fly to Russia and take a two-week full immersion course there, and stay with a Russian family that introduced me to Russian culture and food.

    Spending a few days in Vienna on the way there was cheaper than taking a direct flight from Seattle to St Petersburg.

    Yes, all that was CHEAPER than a one-week-long immersion course at the local Berlitz center.

    In case you're interested, the school I went to in St Petersburg was Liden & Denz. I highly recommend them.

  4. #4
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    I signed up for the classes and my first one is actually tonight. You're correct, these are very expensive but since I'm a full time employee I can't afford the time to learn the language in Russia itself.

  5. #5
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    Ask your Berlitz teacher if you can continue the studies on a "private" basis. This is common practice with Berlitz teachers. And the price is right (approx half of what is now).

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