Ha. Sorry :oops:. By the time I finally got the 'quote' function down, I was sleep-typing what I'd already written twice over. I smell a defamation law-suit coming. (But, between you and me, it really was 10yrs, wasn't it. Don't worry, you'll get there champ. [insert "patronization" emoticon here]) :wink:Quote:
Originally Posted by Propp
Well, if the International Phonetic Alphabet does exist, I'll have to return to that bookshop and ask a more knowledgable attendant, then.
I wonder if anyone has a deaf or blind friend, and knows any sign-language or brail. A friend down my street has a grandson who lip-reads like nobody's business. People can't even tell his deaf. Though when 'he' talks, I think the penny drops. Though, I myself haven't met him. The deaf community seem tucked away from society a bit. I remember I used to catch a regular train with deaf-school students. Has anyone heard a deaf person laugh? These ones were LOUD!