I'm no biologist but I find it very difficult to believe homosexuality is some kind of genetic trait. Why? What selective advantage does it offer the human race? Maybe homosexuality used to be some kind of mechanism which reduced aggression between males or something, but it certainly wasn't intended to be as it is today... I guess up untill now it wouldn't really have mattered because homosexuality is only now becoming widespread. Therefore, maybe in the future homosexuals will die out, because they can hardly reproduce? But by then guys will probably have wombs so it doesn't matter!

Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that with all the war, cannibalism, rape, famine etc that there is in the world, homosexuality is hardly something which warrants so much discussion. It's pretty peaceful and doesn't exactly affect anyone else (unless we get into things like two homosexuals raising a baby.... ), so maybe we should worry about more important things?