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Thread: Голоса and Next Steps.

  1. #1
    uno is offline
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    Голоса and Next Steps.

    Ok, I have made my way through both Golosa books and I was wondering if anyone knows what the next best book to move on to is. Golosa I imagine didn't cover all the Russian Grammar required for the pre-intermediate level.

    Any advice I will be glad to hear but let me know too if you went through Golosa yourself or another method.

  2. #2
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    Show us where you're at. I asked that Biancca girl to show her skills but I guess she didn't really want to move on or something.

  3. #3
    uno is offline
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    Я плохо знаю русский яызик, но мне очень нравиться, но я изучаю испанский яызик в универсиете (это моя спецеалность). У меня нет машины потому что у меня нет денег. У Меня болит голова когда я должен писать в русском языке.

    Sorry for using y menya so much… anyway I don’t know Russian very well. If it’s not in golosa I don’t know it. I know the basics for each case, etc and I do know basic verbs like the motions, to plan, to talk, to wake up. VERY BASIC.

  4. #4
    DDT is offline
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    And it was giving me a headache just reading it. It sounds like Golosa (which you all know I hate). I reckon you ought to get another text book to use aswell, just to broaden your vocabulary.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by uno
    Я плохо знаю русский яызик, но мне очень нравиться, но я изучаю испанский яызик в универсиете (это моя спецеалность). У меня нет машины потому что у меня нет денег. У Меня болит голова когда я должен писать в русском языке.
    Let me try to help. But mind you, my Russian sucks too.

    Я не знаю русский язык очень хорошо, но мне очень нравиться это язык. Я изучаю испанский яызик в универсиете (это моя спецеалность). У меня нет машины потому что нет денег. Голова кружится когда пишу по-русски.

    Maybe it is a little better, maybe not.
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

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  6. #6
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    Голова кружится когда пишу по-русски.
    у меня болит голова, когда я пишу по-русски.

  7. #7
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    Ha ha ha

    That "Biancca girl" has exams and papers due this week...but she will get to it eventually.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by uno
    Я плохо знаю русский яызик, но мне очень нравиться, но я изучаю испанский яызик в универсиете (это моя спецеалность). У меня нет машины потому что у меня нет денег. У Меня болит голова когда я должен писать в русском языке.

    Sorry for using y menya so much… anyway I don’t know Russian very well. If it’s not in golosa I don’t know it. I know the basics for each case, etc and I do know basic verbs like the motions, to plan, to talk, to wake up. VERY BASIC.
    Not too bad there uno, at least you seem to have a good grasp of grammar.

    Я плохо знаю русский яызик

    но мне очень нравиться, но я изучаю испанский яызик в универсиете
    Ukrainian or something? Actually this is a frequent mistake by native speakers, just take off the soft sign and you'll be fine.

    Think about how you phrased this sentence, though:
    I don't know Russian very well, but I really like it, but I'm studying Spanish...

    It sounds a bit awkward with the "buts." Find a better word to use or split up the sentence into two. Also, watch your spelling of "yazyk."

    Spelling, again

    Overall rather good. I haven't seen the "Golosa" textbook, but it looks like you've got a fairly solid base of grammar and you just need to expand on it. I know I just said this in the other thread, but try reading some Russian books, just to get a feel for how the language is written. Have you considered switching your major to Russian? You know, some of you are very lucky to be studying this in university. Yours truly has had to make do with the forum and a bunch of old books.

  9. #9
    JB is offline
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    Golosa I and II are the texts for the 1st year of Russian language at UCLA. They are only basic grammer and not great for learning to speak The best and worst part of them is the charts in the back for declinations. The charts are great for a quick look up of noun endings but can become a crutch that hinders actually learning the cases.
    After finishing both books in America my teachers in Moscow put me in a beginner's class.
    One good book I like is "Русский Язык практическая грамматика с упражнениями", И. М. Пулькина, Е.Б. Захава-Некрасова (Издательство "Русский язык", Москва 2002). But I don't know where to find it in America. Maybe it can be ordered online.
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  10. #10
    DDT is offline
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    I have given up the Gambling, the Wine and the Cows!.. I'm in St Petersburg Russia
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    I have a copy of this book but it was but it was also bought in Moscow.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  11. #11
    JB is offline
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    That's where I bought my copy also.
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  12. #12
    uno is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    Quote Originally Posted by uno
    Я плохо знаю русский яызик, но мне очень нравиться, но я изучаю испанский яызик в универсиете (это моя спецеалность). У меня нет машины потому что у меня нет денег. У Меня болит голова когда я должен писать в русском языке.

    Sorry for using y menya so much… anyway I don’t know Russian very well. If it’s not in golosa I don’t know it. I know the basics for each case, etc and I do know basic verbs like the motions, to plan, to talk, to wake up. VERY BASIC.
    Not too bad there uno, at least you seem to have a good grasp of grammar.

    Я плохо знаю русский яызик

    но мне очень нравиться, но я изучаю испанский яызик в универсиете
    Ukrainian or something? Actually this is a frequent mistake by native speakers, just take off the soft sign and you'll be fine.

    Think about how you phrased this sentence, though:
    I don't know Russian very well, but I really like it, but I'm studying Spanish...

    It sounds a bit awkward with the "buts." Find a better word to use or split up the sentence into two. Also, watch your spelling of "yazyk."

    Spelling, again

    Overall rather good. I haven't seen the "Golosa" textbook, but it looks like you've got a fairly solid base of grammar and you just need to expand on it. I know I just said this in the other thread, but try reading some Russian books, just to get a feel for how the language is written. Have you considered switching your major to Russian? You know, some of you are very lucky to be studying this in university. Yours truly has had to make do with the forum and a bunch of old books.[/quote:nd85kxa4]

    Thanks for the encouragement Pravit. Let me say first of all, I have always been very impressed by your Russian, although I don't know it really well, you very much look like you know what you’re doing.

    As for myself, I am taking a class at the University in Russian but let me first and foremost say that the program I am in is not good. My teacher is very old, mid 70s, and I can honestly say that for the most part I have had to teach myself. She is a native russian and she is good for yelling at you when you make a mistake but for a beginner it was really tough because she doesn't know the grammar but rather what sounds right and what doesn’t... Now I try occasionally talking to her but of course I understand very little when she responds.

    Anyway, I just bought a book called Advanced Russian Grammar by Terrence Wade. It seems to be like a pretty good book. Someone recommend me to use some pimsleur audio which I have never used before and would probably be a good idea since I still haven’t made any Russian friends mainly because I can’t find any Russians! (not to blame my social skills)

    Thanks again for your help.

  13. #13
    uno is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    Golosa I and II are the texts for the 1st year of Russian language at UCLA. They are only basic grammer and not great for learning to speak The best and worst part of them is the charts in the back for declinations. The charts are great for a quick look up of noun endings but can become a crutch that hinders actually learning the cases.
    After finishing both books in America my teachers in Moscow put me in a beginner's class.
    One good book I like is "Русский Язык практическая грамматика с упражнениями", И. М. Пулькина, Е.Б. Захава-Некрасова (Издательство "Русский язык", Москва 2002). But I don't know where to find it in America. Maybe it can be ordered online.
    Hmm, I hope to one day travel to Moscow, maybe then I can get some books like those. Thanks!

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