Привет всем, меня зовут Кирилл. Я из России, but have forgotten my Russian. I was brought over to America when I was 2 or 3 and have not made any attempt at re-learning it 'til now.
I kinda started at the begining of this year and want to progress as far as I can! I found that actually making contact with fluent Russians is better than sitting by myslef and trying to teach it.
Although I do fully support teaching yourself a language is great but it helps to reach out to other places. I have been teaching myself with the things that I have found over the internet.
I have not been to any classes for this! I have been learning quite a bit from changing some things to Russian, such as Chrome and some of my devices.
You've probably heard this before, but I was wondering what tips you have for a fairly new beginner. Pronounciation does come quite easily, but still have to work on that. Well, that's all I have to say for now!