Hi all,

I just discovered and signed-up to this forum.
I had completed the Russian Pimsleur course in 90 lessons about 4 months ago and I am now working with a number of different courses to try and attain real proficiency. I haven't settled on one single course yet, rather a blend of one and the other: DLI, Princeton,Assimil and others. I now read printed Russian with ease but I am still not good at all with cursive script (can't even make sense of a "Tintin" comic in cursive Russian, in spite of knowing them almost by heart from my youth !).
Russian is hardly my first foreign language: languages have always been my lifelong passion. Moreover, about everyone in my family had a "thing" for Russian language and culture.
If I tackled Russian so late in life it is because days only have 24 hours and there are so many other fascinating languages...