Hi you hiding there =), its me Joseph try 2 learn Russian. Im 13-year-old guy from Texas so sometimes it'd be impossible to get my point but ill try to speak it just some more clear that I do in around my hood. Besides since when here we got a situation - im about 7 Russian children came from er a kinda Alabama or Moscow or Siberia I dunno exactly so they do not speak native but they speak runglish or that stuff but usually Russian. So I was 10 then an' i told myself "breda I'n'I isnt too cool to get through it k thats why you ARE TO learn Russian" and i got started.
1st of all..... oh jah i mean ok i came here you no i dont speak it very good but i wrote a kina introdution in Russian plz read through it and correct any mistakes.

Привет меня Джозеф
Я 13-летний и я учись в Средней школе
Я из Техаса и жить в пригородом Хьюстон
У меня поблизости житют 7 русский дети, я хотел говорить русский чтобы говорить ими.
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