Hi every soul!
My name is Vova, 25 years old, live in Belarus
I know English at slow reading technical documentation and very slow and bad speaking level. Now I use google translator, so my suggestions may not be entirely accurate.
My goal - to learn to think in English, to freely communicate and read documentation and literature.
And I no hurry.
I perfectly know Russian, because a read a lot. Also I know Belarussian, my native language, but not good.
I would like to meet the person for whom English - native, and who would like to learn Russian, to talk to in a mixture of English-Russian, answer questions and ask your own. It is interesting to study live modern English, jargon, slang. I want to know what is the meaning of some of the songs "The Offsping", "Metallica", and others. On the other hand I can tell you a lot about the live Russian language, about abusive language, about synonyms, about words that almost always mean is not that in the dictionary and other, other... And now I'm interested in English at the same level![]()
I very love Russian language. And it would be very interesting and nice to help someone learn this language
I am a programmer by profession, have some other interests - again, programming (microcontrollers), reading, listening to music. I'm good at chess. And just interest to live.
My email is "hortius@gmail.com", icq - 491140322, skype - "vovashumel".
Best regards, Shumel Vladimir.