Hi! Russian is my native. I learn English. I searching for people who can help me. I'll help you in learning Russian. Answer me please in this topic.
I'm tomato
Hi! Russian is my native. I learn English. I searching for people who can help me. I'll help you in learning Russian. Answer me please in this topic.
Hi there! English is my native language, I can help you!
Вы мне помочь, я могу вам помочь.
Have u got a skype? My skype is name-xru
You have a mistake in your signature. "Вы мне помочь" - ошибка. Вот варианты:
Вы мне помогаете, я вам помогу.
Если вы мне поможете, я вам помогу. - the best one
Вы можете мне помочь, я могу вам помочь.
No, but I will make a Skype considering that it will only take a few minutes.
How advanced are you with English? You seem to speak well.
Вы мне помочь, я могу вам помочь.
Last edited by Demonic_Duck; December 2nd, 2010 at 12:28 AM. Reason: I'm a tomato
Демоническая Утка
Носитель английского языка, учу русский язык.
Пожалуйста, исправьте мои сообщения!
thanks for corrections.
Lampada. Your offer the best, I agree. It's steady expression in russian.
Demonic_Duck. I do many mistakes. I see.. Lets talk in Skype.
Kushnikov. You ask me about time of installing skype or talking in Skype a day (Спрашивал про время установки скайпа или про то, сколько мы будем разговаривать в день)? My english is pre-intermediate.
2 All
Lets choose a time and every day (or another order) get conversation in Skype, voice or text. I can every day (with few exceptions) in 8-11 PM (GMT +2). In this case we'll get great experience and help each other.
Also some questions about English short words, using in internet such as IMHO, WTF, U. List most popular of them please.
Great thanks
Internet acronyms:
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
LMAO = Laughing My A** Off
ROFL = Rolling On the Floor Laughing
WTF = What The F***
BTW = By The Way
IMO = In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
BRB = Be Right Back
BBS = Be Back Soon
JK = JoKing (or Just Kidding)
BF = BoyFriend
GF = GirlFriend
OMG = Oh My God
BS = BullS***
AFK = Away From Keyboard
FYI = For Your Information
cya = see you (C = see, ya = you)
TTYL = Talk To You Later
WB = Welcome Back
I bolded the most common ones.
Демоническая Утка
Носитель английского языка, учу русский язык.
Пожалуйста, исправьте мои сообщения!
I like swimming or I like to swim?
correct me, please. I'm russian native speaker (can I say "I'm russian native"?). Skype: name-xru. ICQ: 227394254. Always glad to speak.
Оба — хороши.
Я добавил тебя в друзья в Cкайпе.
Демоническая Утка
Носитель английского языка, учу русский язык.
Пожалуйста, исправьте мои сообщения!
"I like swimming" - if you really enjoy the process;
"I like to swim" - if you got used to it and just do it pretty often.
Subtle distinction, I'd say it depends more on context. The two sentences are basically interchangeable, unless you want to say (for example) "I like to swim once a week" or "I like to swim when I have the energy", in which case "I like swimming" would be wrong.
Демоническая Утка
Носитель английского языка, учу русский язык.
Пожалуйста, исправьте мои сообщения!
Judging by the results of the poll, the majority here seems to be tomatoes ))) I doubt vegetables are great teachers.
Send me a PM if you need me.
do English speaking people use perfect tences in casual speech?
correct me, please. I'm russian native speaker (can I say "I'm russian native"?). Skype: name-xru. ICQ: 227394254. Always glad to speak.
I have used perfect tenses in casual speech many times... in fact, I have been using them for as long as I can remember!![]()
Демоническая Утка
Носитель английского языка, учу русский язык.
Пожалуйста, исправьте мои сообщения!
Russian was my native language but English is my mothertongue now.
I am trying to relearn Russian ^^
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