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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
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    My name is Albert. I am from Canada and currently living in St. Petersburg. To give you and idea of my current Russian level I'll try to introduce myself in Russia.

    Здрастю Меня завуть Альберт. Я из Канада и сичас жизн в санкт петерсбург.

    I'm a composer, and you can visit my website here, English Version

    My goal is to write music here for ballet, opera, theater, or film. I'm also really interested in meeting some Russian people who speak no English, as I've only so far met those who speak English, and therefor cannot practice my Russian with them.

    I'd also really like to live for some time in Siberia, as well as in the South and far east of Russia. I've been studying Russian for 4 months, although two of those months I had no/little opportunity to study and made no progress.

    google translate. \/ \/

    Меня зовут Альберт. Я из Канады и в настоящее время проживает в Санкт-Петербурге.

    Я композитор, и вы можете посетить мой сайт здесь, English Version

    Моя цель, чтобы писать музыку здесь балет, опера, театр, или пленки. Я также очень заинтересован во встрече некоторых русских людей, которые не говорят по-английски, а я только до сих пор встречал тех, кто говорит по-английски, и поэтому не может практиковаться в русском с ними.

    Я бы также очень хотелось, чтобы жить в течение некоторого времени в Сибири, а также на Юге и Дальнем Востоке России. Я изучал русский в течение 4 месяцев, хотя два из этих месяцев у меня не было / мало возможностей для изучения и не продвинулось вперед.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин Soft sign's Avatar
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    Привет, Альберт!

    Quote Originally Posted by Strav View Post
    I'm also really interested in meeting some Russian people who speak no English, as I've only so far met those who speak English, and therefor cannot practice my Russian with them.
    А почему вы не можете говорить по-русски с теми, кто знает английский?

    Quote Originally Posted by Strav View Post
    Здрастюе. Меня заовуть Альберт. Я из Канадаы и сиейчас жизнву в Санктетерсбурге.
    Please correct my English

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Hello, Albert! Google's Russian isn't much better than yours!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the corrections. Write now I'm more concerned with vocab than grammar; I don't mind sounding dumb I just want to be understood and to understand others. I'm trying to memorize as much vocab as I can which is difficult because my of memory.

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин UhOhXplode's Avatar
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    Здравствуйте, Альберт! Очень приятно. Меня зовут Джейден. Я из Америки.

    Quote Originally Posted by Strav View Post
    Thanks for the corrections. Write now I'm more concerned with vocab than grammar; I don't mind sounding dumb I just want to be understood and to understand others. I'm trying to memorize as much vocab as I can which is difficult because my of memory.
    Zero issue, lol. We all have to sound dumb to learn. The best way to memorize stuff is to just practice every day. I'm always practicing new words and dialogue.
    Btw, in Russia people call St. Petersburg, St. Peterburg or just Peterburg. That's why it's spelled "Санкт-Петербург", without the S. You can learn a ton of Russian here. Удачи!

  6. #6
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Hi Strav.
    Welcome to the forum, you've come to the right place if you want to learn something new about the language.
    And, umm, why are you saying that ppl who speak better English are reluctant to practice Russian?
    Or did I take your words wrong?
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