Hello, all! I am preparing for a Russian language test, the Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL), at an upper-intermediate level. If I took the test, which consists of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and grammar subtests, today, I think I'd pass everything except listening.
The listening portion of the test consists of watching extracts of Russian-language films, and then answering multiple choice questions about the extracts, which are generally around five minutes long.
In brief, I need to find good Russian-language films with lively dialogue. Some of the older films have pretty poor sound quality, I need something with clear sound quality. So far I have seen Осенний Марафон, Ирония Судьбы, and Москва Слезам не Верит, which were all at about the right level of difficulty. I tried В Бой идут Одни Старики, but it was rather too hard.
Any help is very much appreciated!