Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
If that is a true representation of the business world in Russia then I want nothing to do with that.
Things have changed a bit since then. The 1990s are notorious for their lawlessness.

Quote Originally Posted by sperk
If you like Russian war movies check out Аты-баты, шли солдаты. It's excellent. They don't make movies like this the US - war movies there are all about shooting and killing, very boring.
Mhmhmh... I've seen this film recently... To be quite honest, I thought it was a bit boring, despite the fact that it had Leonid Bykov and Vladimir Konkin (Sharapov from "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed) in the leading roles and Boris Vasilyev for a scriptwriter... Maybe I just wasn't in the mood, I dunno. It just seemed that the whole film was talk-talk-talk. But the final 5 minutes were very tragic.

My favourite film with Leonid Bykov is "В бой идут одни старики"/"Only Old Men Are Going to Battle", which I mentioned in another thread. That one I highly recommend. It's mentioned among the most famous Soviet-time films in the wiki here and it's got a lot of famous war-time songs, "Смуглянка" (smuglianka = swarthy-skinned woman, смуглый -- swarthy) among them, which plays at the very beginning of the movie. And there are English and Russian subs for this film.


Как-то летом на рассвете
Заглянул в соседний сад.
Там смуглянка-молдаванка
Собирала виноград.
Я краснею, я бледнею,
Захотелось вдруг сказать:
Станем над рекою
Зорьки летние встречать!

Раскудрявый клен зеленый, лист резной,
Я влюбленный и смущенный пред тобой.
Клен зеленый, да клен кудрявый,
Да раскудрявый, резной!

А смуглянка-молдаванка
Отвечала парню в лад:
- Партизанский, молдаванский
Собираем мы отряд.
Нынче рано партизаны
Дом покинули родной.
Ждет тебя дорога
К партизанам в лес густой.

И смуглянка-молдаванка
По тропинке в лес ушла.
В том обиду я увидел,
Что с собой не позвала.
О смуглянке-молдаванке
Часто думал по ночам...
Вскоре вновь смуглянку
Я в отряде повстречал.

Раскудрявый клен зеленый, лист резной,
- Здравствуй, парень, забубенный, мой родной,-
Клен зеленый, да клен кудрявый,
Да раскудрявый, резной!