Quote Originally Posted by starrysky
"17 moments of Spring" is a great series. I only watched it less than a year ago, last spring, already coloured. First of all, I liked the theme song very much -- "Не думай о секундах свысока". I posted the lyrics and the link to dowload it in the music section a while ago http://masterrussian.net/mforum/view...=9335&start=30. The line "свистят они как пули у виска (мгновения)" (they hiss like bullets at the temple -- moments) is perhaps one of the most evocative and vivid lines I've ever heard in a song.
Ahhhh! You know, Lampada keeps telling me to check out that forum; but, with my lack of Russian I stay away from it! Anyway, I updated the BIG Movie list with your link to the theme for "17", thanks for finding it!

I have mentioned previously how much I enjoyed this series. It was really great for me to watch especially as I was feeling so poorly while watching it. It gave me something to take my mind off things. They just don't seem to make shows like this any longer. I really think it goes all around, directors, writers, actors, sound...everyone... I just don't think they care as much about their craft. They are more concerned about CGI and special effects, their paycheck and so on. I guess that is why when a film like say "Precious" comes along that is low budget and in your face, it makes such an impact.