Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
Thanks for the tips, I'll check that.... !
So you watched the whole series?
Yup! I really liked the series and it was great to watch while hanging around in bed and in the car (I watched part of it on a little portable DVD player). I have found that these old series like this one and Meeting Place Should Not Be Changed (the one I just finished today) are at a slower pace and therefore much easier to watch when you aren't feeling well! Now they do take concentration to keep track of the large cast and the plot twists, but that is what the rewind button is for and the cheat sheet!!! The acting in these older series is amazing and so is the directing, script writing, sets, lighting, well... just everything!

They would probably not go over well in today's world... maybe they could be compared to Out of Africa or The Natural... a slower pace and no special effects to cover up for the lack of a good script and acting.

You have posted about why Hollywood does not use Russian actors for Russians, that is a good question. Maybe because they are afraid they would out act our American actors just like the British ones do! The Brits are already taking over all the good American TV roles and using American acents to do it!