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Thread: please delete

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    please delete

    as this thread is offending some people's "seniority" on this forum, please delete it
    If I was kiddin' you, I'd be wearin' a fez and no pants. (Lennie Briscoe)

  2. #2
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    Рекомендую Кин-Дза-Дза! Георгия Данелия, 1986 г.

    Субтитры все доступны.

    Неужели кто-то ещё не видел этот шедевр??
    В основном безвреден.

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vadim Mo
    Неужели кто-то ещё не видел этот шедевр??
    "Скрипач не нужен."

  4. #4
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vadim Mo
    Рекомендую Кин-Дза-Дза! Георгия Данелия, 1986 г.

    Субтитры все доступны.

    Неужели кто-то ещё не видел этот шедевр??
    I love this movie but I understand spoken Russian very well and I know a fair bit about Soviet culture. But otherwise this movie would most likely be not understandable. It's extremely difficult to translate and the jokes are too culturally specific. Hard core movie buffs like it because they like anything that is "difficult" or "obscure", but an average English-speaking viewer will most likely not get it and will find it confusing or boring.
    If I was kiddin' you, I'd be wearin' a fez and no pants. (Lennie Briscoe)

  5. #5
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    А я вот не соглашусь. Мне кажется, что в этом фильме речь идёт об универсальных вещах, которые всем должны быть понятны.
    В основном безвреден.

  6. #6
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vadim Mo
    А я вот не соглашусь. Мне кажется, что в этом фильме речь идёт об универсальных вещах, которые всем должны быть понятны.
    that's because you're a Russian

    it's not just the language and the cultural references but also the style of filmmaking which is difficult for an average viewer (not a buff of the obscure and the avant-garde)
    If I was kiddin' you, I'd be wearin' a fez and no pants. (Lennie Briscoe)

  7. #7
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    Quote Originally Posted by quartz

    it's not just the language and the cultural references but also the style of filmmaking which is difficult for an average viewer (not a buff of the obscure and the avant-garde)
    Да, первый раз мне и самому было не привычно. Ты же знаешь, что отнюдь не все наши фильмы сделаны в такой манере.

    Очень интересно узнать мнение наших друзей из разных стран об этом фильме. Посмотрите! Попробуйте понять. Этот фильм у нас безумно любим многими. А цитатами из него мы порой просто разговариваем!

    that's because you're a Russian
    nobody's perfect (с)
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  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vadim Mo
    Да, первый раз мне и самому было не привычно.
    => непривычно

    Quote Originally Posted by Vadim Mo
    nobody's perfect (с)
    True words.

    I think the movie is long and slow for a good reason. I remember watching that movie in 1987 in the theater and it really felt like I was on another planet with no means to escape and couldn't believe I was actually back to the normal life.

  9. #9
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    => непривычно
    Поспорю. Мне кажется, что это случай двоякого толкования. Я подразумевал, что мне было не так привычно видеть это, как обычно, когда я смотрю фильмы Данелия. Хотя прямого противопоставления в моей фразе и не было. Так что я тоже немножко прав, нет?
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  10. #10
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    Я лишь для прикола придрался. По мне, русский язык и так чрезмерно усложнён. Поэтому, я никогда не исправляю нашего брата. А насчёт пробела - нехай кто-нибудь с гуманитарным образованием нас рассудит. Громозека, например.

  11. #11
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    Я лишь для прикола придрался. По мне, русский язык и так чрезмерно усложнён. Поэтому, я никогда не исправляю нашего брата. А насчёт пробела - нехай кто-нибудь с гуманитарным образованием нас рассудит. Громозека, например.
    Да не, придирки такие как раз по делу. Лучше исправлять, чтобы не оставлять откровенные ляпы на виду у всех. Всё-таки форум в том числе и образовательный.

    Хотя мне кажется, что скоро quartz уже сможет нашего брата поправлять!
    В основном безвреден.

  12. #12
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    Quote Originally Posted by quartz
    Woot! New section!

    How about a thread about movies that learners of Russian might want see. Any suggestions? (I'll add them to the first post; suggested criteria -- availability of English subtitles, fairly easy to understand, broad-ish appeal?)

    I'll start with some comedies:

    Films by Leonid Gaidai:
    Иван Васильевич меняет профессию (Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession), 1973; based on a play by Bulgakov
    Бриллиантовая рука (The Diamond Arm), 1968 on google videos with English subtitles
    Операция „Ы“ и другие приключения Шурика (Operation Y and Other Adventures of Shurik), 1965
    Кавказская пленница, или Новые приключения Шурика (Kidnapping, Caucasian Style) 1967

    Older films by Grigori Aleksandrov:
    Веселые ребята (Jolly Fellows), 1934; inspired by Hollywood style slapstick musical comedies
    Волга-Волга (Volga-Volga), 1938; Stalin's favourite movie

    Кин-Дза-Дза! Георгия Данелия, 1986 г. -- Kind of like a Soviet version of HGTTG; subtitles aren't the best way to experience it as a lot of the humour is very hard to translate (both the language and the cultural references); best for a fan of weird "steam-punk-like" sci-fi
    It’s amazing how a non Russian could have picked up what I think are the best Russian movies ever. (Except for Веселые ребята and Волга-Волга. "Everything changes when you hit the big one-oh... Candy doesn't taste as good" and Веселые ребята are not funny any more )
    Apart from picking them up for educational pursuits, do you also like them?

  13. #13
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    (Except for Веселые ребята and Волга-Волга. "Everything changes when you hit the big one-oh... Candy doesn't taste as good" and Веселые ребята are not funny any more )
    Apart from picking them up for educational pursuits, do you also like them?

    that's not a matter of personal taste?

    yes, they are funny and, besides, there are different kinds of humour

    don't undersell your country's masterpieces
    If I was kiddin' you, I'd be wearin' a fez and no pants. (Lennie Briscoe)

  14. #14
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: please delete

    didnt realise there was a rule against starting threads that infringe on the "regulars"

    If I was kiddin' you, I'd be wearin' a fez and no pants. (Lennie Briscoe)

  15. #15
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Suggestions for movies to watch?

    If anyone is interested in watching some of these movies, here are the links:

    "Ivan Vasilievich Changes Occupation", (Иван Васильевич меняет профессию) 1973
    (Action/Adventure/Comedy/Sci-Fi) ... the_Future

    You can download this video (avi-file with English subtitles, DivX or XViD, 25 fps) from Russian Yandex-server. It's very easy.
    How to download a movie:
    1. Enter the following link: ... s.avi.html
    2. Enter the numbers placed in the window over the green button.
    3. Press the green button "СКАЧАТЬ".
    4. A page will open with the link starting with http//. Press the link.
    Notes: If you don't want to install Yandex Bar, please remove the sign from the control box (into the yellow background). Yandex Bar performs a function for downloading without using control numbers, i.e. next time, if you want to download any file from Yandex-server, you’ll get the download link without entering control numbers.
    5 A window will open. Choose "Save".
    6. Download the movie.
    7. Enjoy. The file size 1.11 gb.

    "Kidnapping, Caucasian Style" or "Prisoner of the Caucasus", or "Shurik's New Adventures", (Кавказская пленница, или Новые приключения Шурика, Kavkazskaya plennitsa, ili Novie priklucheniya Shurika), 1967
    (Action/Adventure/Comedy/Music/Romance) ... sian_Style

    You can download this video (avi-file with English subtitles, DivX or XViD, 25 fps) from Russian Yandex-server. It's very easy.
    How to download a movie:
    1. Enter the following link: ... s.avi.html
    2. Enter the numbers placed in the window over the green button.
    3. Press the green button "СКАЧАТЬ".
    4. A page will open with the link starting with http//. Press the link.
    Notes: If you don't want to install Yandex Bar, please remove the sign from the control box (into the yellow background). Yandex Bar performs a function for downloading without using control numbers, i.e. next time, if you want to download any file from Yandex-server, you’ll get the download link without entering control numbers.
    5 A window will open. Choose "Save".
    6. Download the movie.
    7. Enjoy. The file size 532 mb.

    "The Diamond Arm", (Бриллиантовая рука), 1968:

    You can download this video (avi-file with English subtitles, DivX or XViD, 25 fps) from Russian Yandex-server. It's very easy.
    How to download a movie:
    1. Enter the following link: ... s.avi.html
    2. Enter the numbers placed in the window over the green button.
    3. Press the green button "СКАЧАТЬ".
    4. A page will open with the link starting with http//. Press the link.
    Notes: If you don't want to install Yandex Bar, please remove the sign from the control box (into the yellow background). Yandex Bar performs a function for downloading without using control numbers, i.e. next time, if you want to download any file from Yandex-server, you’ll get the download link without entering control numbers.
    5 A window will open. Choose "Save".
    6. Download the movie.
    7. Enjoy. The file size 650 mb
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
    Click here for list of Russian films with English subtitles and links to watch them.

  16. #16
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: please delete

    okay great
    maybe you should keep that in your thread
    If I was kiddin' you, I'd be wearin' a fez and no pants. (Lennie Briscoe)

  17. #17
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: please delete

    Quote Originally Posted by quartz
    as this thread is offending some people's "seniority" on this forum, please delete it
    There is no such thing! You must have misunderstood something or have taken it the wrong way.
    Please-please put everything back!
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  18. #18
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: please delete

    Quote Originally Posted by quartz
    as this thread is offending some people's "seniority" on this forum, please delete it
    Объясните, что происходит??
    В основном безвреден.

  19. #19
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    Re: please delete

    Quote Originally Posted by Vadim Mo
    Объясните, что происходит??
    Определенно что-то ужасное.

    don't undersell your country's masterpieces
    I have to confess that I do not like any of them, except maybe "Блиллиантовая рука". I agree they are very well done from the cimenatographical point of vew, and are must see when you are getting aquainted with Soviet/Russian cinema. But they set my teeth on edge for some reason.
    You know, I envy you a little here, i guess that freshness of your perception makes them so much better and more intriguing.

    I'd recommend two great comedies from that period:

    1) "Берегись автомобиля" (1966) - all time classics with great actors starring! Really smart and funny.
    There was also version with English subs somewhere on Youtube

    2) "Служебный роман" (1977) - my personal favourite

  20. #20
    Administrator MasterAdmin's Avatar
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    Re: please delete

    Quote Originally Posted by quartz
    as this thread is offending some people's "seniority" on this forum, please delete it
    I don't know who it's offending (you'd better open a new thread about that) but if you keep abusing the forum "edit" function like this I might just as well disable it.
    ~ Мастерадминов Мастерадмин Мастерадминович ~

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