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Thread: Have you ever [done something] before?

  1. #1
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    Have you ever [done something] before?

    How would I say in Russian:

    Have you ever [done something] before?


    Have you ever gone skiing before?

    Have you ever been to Turkey before?

    Have you ever met an American before?

    Have you ever kissed a stranger before?

    Have you ever drank chocolate milk before?

    Have you ever been so excited before?

  2. #2
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Have you ever gone skiing before? Вы ходили когда-нибудь на лыжах раньше? Ходили ли вы когда-нибудь на лыжах раньше? На лыжах ходили когда-нибудь?

    Have you ever been to Turkey before? Были когда-нибудь в Турции?

    Have you ever met an American before? Не приходилось ли вам встречаться с американцами раньше?

    Have you ever kissed a stranger before? Вы целовались когда-нибудь?

    Have you ever drunk chocolate milk before? Вы пили когда-нибудь какао? What’s that chocolate milk thing? Let me in on your little secret.
    Have you ever been so excited before? Приходилось ли вам испытывать такое волнение раньше?

  3. #3
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    thanks for the translations...

    well these were all just examples off the top of my head, not necessarily questions I would ask. I was just trying to think of enough examples that I would get the hang of it. So about Chocolate Milk, I was just trying to think of a drink someone in Russia probably never drank before. But yes, I do look back on my chocolate milk drinking days with fondness...

    but isn't какао, Hot Chocolate?

  4. #4
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    Have you ever gone skiing before? Вы ходили когда-нибудь на лыжах раньше? Ходили ли вы когда-нибудь на лыжах раньше? На лыжах ходили когда-нибудь?

    Have you ever been to Turkey before? Были когда-нибудь в Турции?

    Have you ever met an American before? Не приходилось ли вам встречаться с американцами раньше?

    Have you ever kissed a stranger before? Вы целовались когда-нибудь?

    Have you ever drunk chocolate milk before? Вы пили когда-нибудь какао? What’s that chocolate milk thing? Let me in on your little secret.
    Have you ever been so excited before? Приходилось ли вам испытывать такое волнение раньше?
    Приведу переводы к одному виду, чтобы легче понимать было.

    Have you ever gone skiing before? Катались ли вы когда-нибудь на лыжах?
    Have you ever been to Turkey before? Бывали ли вы когда-нибудь в Турции?
    Have you ever met an American before? Встречали ли вы когда-нибудь американца?
    Have you ever kissed a stranger before? Целовали ли вы когда-нибудь незнакомца?
    Have you ever drunk chocolate milk before? Пили ли вы когда-нибудь горячий шоколад?

  5. #5
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Hi, another related question...

    How can I ask "Have you never ...?"

    Вы никогда не бывали в Турции?

    Вы никогда не били в Турции?

    are any of those above correct?

    btw. From the translations, I guess Chocolate Milk really is a western thing... Hot Chocolate is a hot drink, Chocolate Milk is like cold milk with a little bit of chocolate syrup flavouring. It is really a kid's drink )

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Quote Originally Posted by ycomp

    Have you ever [s:1ge4c352]drank[/s:1ge4c352] drunk chocolate milk before?
    кашл-кашл-кашель... The first thing that comes to my mind is the wonderful Yiddish expression a Shande für de Goyim -- which in Cyrillic would be written А шанде фёр дэ гойим, and which in the Hebrew alphabet looks like:

    אַ‮ ‬שאַנדע‮ ‬פֿאַר‮ ‬די‮ ‬גוים

    ...which is said by Jews when a Jew does something embarrassing in front of non-Jews.

    I mean to say, ycomp, that we English speakers should take care not to set a bad example for the Russians by using incorrect English!

    P.S. Please don't ask me any questions about Yiddish or Hebrew -- я бывший католик, теперь я склонный к деизму, и на самом деле не еврей. Но вообще я безумно люблю евреев и Иудаизм меня очень интересует.
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  7. #7
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Those Вы никогда не б[s:2dy7kwvx]и[/s:2dy7kwvx]ыли… will do, well enough.

    But if you let it cool down wouldn’t your hot milk turn into chocolate milk?

  8. #8
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    Those Вы никогда не б[s:1jdndypc]и[/s:1jdndypc]ыли… will do, well enough.

    But if you let it cool down wouldn’t your hot milk turn into chocolate milk?
    nope, cause Hot Chocolate is more like Hot Milk Chocolate than Hot Chocolate Milk

  9. #9
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Yeah, you Americans, (wait a minute, who are you, anyway?), have everything upside down. “Селёдка под шубой – отрава, I’d rather drink a glass of milk made of chocolate”, cold chocolate, sorry.

  10. #10
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    Yeah, you Americans, (wait a minute, who are you, anyway?), have everything upside down. “Селёдка под шубой – отрава, I’d rather drink a glass of milk made of chocolate”, cold chocolate, sorry.
    well Canadian actually... I like Селёдка под шубой sometimes... the only Russian food I never liked was xoлoдец... but you can't blame me, my stomach just ain't made for that. I tried to eat it many times 'cause I know it's healthy, but...

  11. #11
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Here I’m with you totally. Never ever absotivlylutly, no way, have I eaten nor tasted, even, that junk. You gotta kill me first before you make me touch it.

  12. #12
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Quote Originally Posted by ycomp
    the only Russian food I never liked was xoлoдец...
    I hate it too.
    By the way, as far as I know it's Ukrainian food. Maybe I'm wrong.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  13. #13
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Я однажды кушал холодец, когда был в гостях у приятеля в Москве. Но, только от вежливости, чтобы не произвесло у них плохие впечатления об американцев -- будто я какая-то "дива" или сказочная принцесса, у которой сквозь мягкие, мягкие губы нельзя проносить такую противную еду.

    (I once ate head-cheese, when I was at the home of an acquaintance in Moscow. But only out of politeness, so that they wouldn't have a bad impression of Americans -- like I'm some kind of diva or fairy-tale princess, and such disgusting foods may not go past my delicate lips.)
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  14. #14
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by ycomp
    the only Russian food I never liked was xoлoдец...
    I hate it too.
    I like it, especially with mustard ))

  15. #15
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee
    Я однажды кушал холодец, когда был в гостях у приятеля в Москве. Но_ только [s:9dx9vwzm]от[/s:9dx9vwzm] из вежливости, чтобы [s:9dx9vwzm]не произве_ло у них плохие впечатления об американцев[/s:9dx9vwzm] не оставить плохого впечатления об американцах -- будто я какая-то "дива" или сказочная принцесса, у которой сквозь губы нельзя проносить такую еду.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  16. #16
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    OMG, неужели я написал "об американцев"?!? (Краснеюсь...)

    Вино виновато, честное слово!
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  17. #17
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee
    (I once ate head-cheese, when I was at the home of an acquaintance in Moscow. But only out of politeness, so that they wouldn't have a bad impression of Americans
    Be glad you weren't in China... wife of the VP came to visit and was trying to impress us with a good home cooked meal. What was it? Fried nuggets of fat. Not my cup of tea. Although I do love a good marbled steak. Fried silk worms are big there too I ate some donkey (as you can imagine it is kind of a tough meat, but ok) at a village banquet and after I told my grandmother this, she was not impressed. Something about I shouldn't be eating them because they don't have cloven hooves. What I really liked was Black Chicken Soup. It was a kind of chicken soup with Black Chicken and ginger. I tried to replicate it at home (bought a Black Chicken a few times) but was unable to make it taste as good It's hard without a recipe. That soup is supposed to be very healthy though.

  18. #18
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  19. #19
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    the only Russian food I never liked was xoлoдец... but you can't blame me, my stomach just ain't made for that. I tried to eat it many times 'cause I know it's healthy, but...
    It seems exceedinly strange to me, that you've been repeatedly exposed to this food, as it's rather rare and served sometimes on a special occasion like New Year selebration, burthday party, etc. We don't eat it on regular basis, and I think somebody plied you with it just to make an impression, which obviously failed. Lol.
    As the saying goes: there's no accounting for taste.
    If my post contains errors of any kind, I'd appreciate anyone setting me straight.

  20. #20
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    Re: Have you ever [done something] before?

    Quote Originally Posted by Selexin
    the only Russian food I never liked was xoлoдец... but you can't blame me, my stomach just ain't made for that. I tried to eat it many times 'cause I know it's healthy, but...
    It seems exceedinly strange to me, that you've been repeatedly exposed to this food, as it's rather rare and served sometimes on a special occasion like New Year selebration, burthday party, etc. We don't eat it on regular basis, and I think somebody plied you with it just to make an impression, which obviously failed. Lol.
    As the saying goes: there's no accounting for taste.
    My grandmother is Russian (and apparently an amazing cook)... so I ate a lot of Russian food growing up. I would eat more than 50 pelmeni at a sitting and I am also fond of grechka, don't know why. But she told me that when crops failed in Russia and all the people had to eat was гречневая каша.. that they would eat it and be healthy.

    Also they serve xoлoдец in some cafeterias in Ukraine at least, don't know about Russia since I've never been there. My friend loves the stuff, so he's eating it at the cafeteria all the time... just piles it on his plate. I also did not like cabbage rolls much when growing up, but now (as an adult) they are good - provided I eat them when they are hot and fresh (as leftovers they don't taste very good)

    What I really liked as a kid was просворка (sp?)... bread from Church. Strange, I know... ) I also like fried perishki stuffed with mushrooms and rice. I enjoy it as much as a good hamburger.

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