Dear Anyone who's interested:
I am writing a master's thesis in Ethnomusicology on the subject of Russian folk music about the life of a woman from the 19th century through present time. I have studied Russian for two years at San Diego State University. I am writing this in English for now to get the precise meaning right. I would appreciate any references you could suggest for me. I have many song books in Russian and have read many scholarly books in English on this subject, including Laura Olson's Performing Russia. There are many interests that I have. I will list some of my questions:
1) Do you know of someone who could coach me in how to perform Russian folk songs focusing on the life of woman?
I have studied and performed many such songs, but I would like to study with someone who specialized in understanding Russian folk music and how to perform it.
2) If I would travel to Russia, for example, this summer, could someone let me know of a person or institution with whomI could study, to understand the Russian folk music or folkloric approach to songs about the life of women?
Of course, I have more questions or topics, but that's a good start.