Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
Это снова летят самолеты на юг,
This again planes fly in the south,
These are planes flying to the south again.
Стервенеют ветра вечерами седыми.
(The time) becomes furious from the wind with grey evenings.
In the grey evenings the winds become furious.
Но подуют ветра и залижут сугробы,
But will blow a wind and will lick snowdrifts,
But the winds will blow and lick the snowdrifts.
Это радость весны и предчувствие лета.
This pleasure of spring and presentiment of summer.
This is a pleasure of spring and presentiment of summer.
It seems to me you are confusing "это" "этот" "эта" as demonstrative adjectives (that are always in the agreement with the noun they are describing) and "это" as in the following construction (it's always "это" regardless of a gender and number):
Это [что-то, кто-то] - this/that/it is [something, somebody]
For example:
Это он - It's he.
Это такая радость вас видеть. - This is such a pleasure to see you.
Это стол (This is a table) - Этот стол сломался (This table is broken)
Это дверь(This is a door) - Эта дверь открыта. (This door is open)
Это деревья (These are trees)- Эти деревья высокие (These trees are tall)
Кто-то в детство былое тебя возвратил,
Someone in the childhood has returned the former you,
Someone has brought you back to the past childhood.
Пробиваясь к тебе лепестками рассвета.
Making the way to you petals of the dawn.
Making the way to you as petals of the dawn.
И застыл на лету телефонный звонок,
And telephone call has frozen in the year,
And a telephone call has frozen in its flight

Quote Originally Posted by Lampada
бой за себя я думаю это "fight for oneself".
I'd say it's rather "fight for ourselves"