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Thread: Русские двери открываются внутрь или иначе?

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин xXHoax's Avatar
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    Русские двери открываются внутрь или иначе?

    Я смотрю сериал "Как я стал русским", и заметил что дверь квартиры человека открылась наружу в коридор. Это мне невероятно странно. В Америке двери внутри здания в квартиры открываются внутрь, а двери на улицу наружу.
    He had to open the door into the person. For some reason the door to the apartment was built as a door to the outside, even though it leads right into the corridor? I found an article about the topic which brings up the КГБ breaking down doors. The more I think about this, the less I understand doors. Is it easier to break a door that opens away from you or towards you, from the outside? You can't block a door with your body if it opens outward from you.

    В ССС

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин Serge_spb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXHoax View Post
    Я смотрю сериал "Как я стал русским", и заметил что дверь квартиры человека открылась наружу в коридор. Это мне невероятно странно. В Америке двери внутри здания в квартиры открываются внутрь, а двери на улицу наружу.
    He had to open the door into the person. For some reason the door to the apartment was built as a door to the outside, even though it leads right into the corridor? I found an article about the topic which brings up the КГБ breaking down doors. The more I think about this, the less I understand doors. Is it easier to break a door that opens away from you or towards you, from the outside? You can't block a door with your body if it opens outward from you.

    В ССС
    Hey, man.
    The entrance (metal) door in Russia always opens outside.
    I believe, there is no any anti-KGB "tradition" or smth. If they`d come for you - they`d finish their business for sure, so no reason to hide in your retreat. No "private property" culture ever existed during those times. Resisting would only make it worse...
    The real reason was actually mentioned once on О.Б.Ж. ("Basics of safe life") lecture at high school - it is fire safety. (One of a few subjects I kinda liked at school, lol, but googled it anyways.)
    So, If some emergency happens inside the apartment - persons rush to the exit and shouldn`t spend additional time on stepping back into the "danger zone" (since apartments in Russia are often tiny). Plus, it is supposed to be easier to break them for those who are trying to escape.

    Безопасность открывания дверей в России регламентирует строительный норматив и правила (СНиП) “Пожарная безопасность зданий и сооружений” от 21.01.1997 г., основной тезис которого гласит: "Двери на эвакуационных выходах и на путях эвакуации должны открываться в сторону выхода из здания"
    В какую сторону двери должны открываться или Как установить открывание дверей
    xXHoax and Alex80 like this.

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    In soviet times my family lived in apartment with wooden door that opens inside. AFAIK it was common scheme because of fire safety - firefighters was supposed to break doors and save unconscious people.
    Right after collapse of Soviet Union and economical shock people began to worry about property safety and began to install additional metal doors which open outside. There was no option because of installation scheme - metal frame was attached from outside.
    So, we had two doors at that time - one opens inside and another (anti-thief) opens outside. Yep. Add metal cages on the windows and feel atmosphere of distrust society fell into.
    And now everybody around me, including myself, install metal door only in new aparatments, which opens outside. And again, this could be explained and directed by fire safety, but in different manner. But no way you can break these metal doors. With contrete frame only.
    Serge_spb and xXHoax like this.

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