Я смотрю сериал "Как я стал русским", и заметил что дверь квартиры человека открылась наружу в коридор. Это мне невероятно странно. В Америке двери внутри здания в квартиры открываются внутрь, а двери на улицу наружу.
He had to open the door into the person. For some reason the door to the apartment was built as a door to the outside, even though it leads right into the corridor? I found an article about the topic which brings up the КГБ breaking down doors. The more I think about this, the less I understand doors. Is it easier to break a door that opens away from you or towards you, from the outside? You can't block a door with your body if it opens outward from you.
В ССС https://youtu.be/0gsUWpHFlzI?t=20m44s