I'm doing a project on russian food and drink and would like som tips on traditional russian food for example what different dishes are available and how would you cook them?![]()
I'm doing a project on russian food and drink and would like som tips on traditional russian food for example what different dishes are available and how would you cook them?![]()
I think котлеты should definitely be on the list! (In US English, I might translate the word as "meatloaf burgers" -- although some people might prefer the term "croquette".)
And I would mention Бородинский хлеб as a very popular style of so-called "Russian black bread." (Which is actually a light brown rye bread -- more sour and heavy than American rye breads, often flavored with coriander seeds instead of caraway seeds, and not as dark as German-American "pumpernickel", which gets its almost-black color from caramelized sugar.)
Then there are the so-called "vegetable caviars" which can be made from finely chopped mushrooms, pumpkins, eggplants, etc. -- there are many variants using different vegetables. But "eggplant caviar" (баклажанная икра) is possibly the most common type.
Yes, "squash" is the general term for most varieties of кабачки -- except of course for the type known as "zucchini".
The tiny little dish of rare and costly "заморская икра, баклажанная" in Ivan Vaselyevich Changes Careers was, I've read, "stunt-doubled" by кабачковая икра! (I would guess because the color looked more attractive on film.)
Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"
I would add квашеная капуста to the list.
Шашлык seems not traditionally Russian to me.
The word "Kefir" with a Caucasian looks pretty weird.
I think they have their own name for it in their languages, because the word kafir means something else than this product.
Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.
У меня вопрос. На Западе едят кашу? В Англии едят овсянку - это понятно. А мою любимую пшённую? Рисовую? Ячневую? Манную?
Это же такая вкуснятина, особенно с утра.
kefirim surprise
we in indonesia also know this drink ^_^
Книга: О блинах
Автор: Вильям Похлёбкин
The food I loved to eat in Russia is Bliny, Sirniki, Kasha, Pirog, and Borscht. These are my crush nowadays.
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