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Thread: Do Russian women shave?

  1. #1
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    Do Russian women shave?

    I am just curious if Russian women shave their legs (and armpitts for that matter). When I was an excahnge student in Germany I noticed most of the girls did NOT shave. There was this one really pretty blond that all the guys were after even though she was hairy...(and the German guys thought it was wierd that American girls shave)...and that's fine and interesting and everything and I am NOT CRITICISING anyones habits.

    I just want to know that's all.

  2. #2
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    I'm not a girl but... I was in Germany and in Autria as well and the girls in meet there didn't have any hair neither on their armpitts nor on their legs and the three russian girls living in Switzerland I know are as smooth as silk (oh... and I met a russian girl living in Atlanta who seemed to shave her legs and armpitts). But I don't know how it's going on for the russian girls living in Russia...

  3. #3
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    Re: Do Russian women shave?

    Well, me too I can only say that girls around here (so in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and probably the rest of Europe including Russia!) DO actually shave their legs and armpitts and whatsoever!

    Take me, for example, I shaved my legs today in the morning to look neat and ... yes, "silky"!
    But I have to admit that I didn`t shave my legs so often while my half year`s stay in Russia just because it was winter and I thought that nobody would care (as nobody actually saw my hairy legs)...

    And then I guess that if somebody doesn`t shave his/her legs, armpits etc., it`s just and only a personal habit. So, please, don`t jugde a girl by only looking at her legs!

  4. #4
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    The Russian women I know here (they have lived here for about 5 years) do shave their legs and more, and always have, even when they lived in Russia. I think it would be next to impossible for me to be attracted to a woman that didn't shave her legs & armpits...
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  5. #5
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    No, but listen to "boyfriend" is a real German and he likes hairy women and he wishes I wouldn't shave.

    His argument: If I thought something was sexy he would do it so why can't I do what he wants? (Well why doesn't he go workout and get a sixpack then?)

    My argument: I would never ask him to do anything to his body that he hated

    His argument: Americans are all just uptight

    My argument: If I went swimming all hairy, people would run screaming.

    This has got to be the lamest argument in history.

    Anyway I am NOT doing it. (not throwing away my razor)

  6. #6
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    As long as everybody is happy...
    For example, my step-mother (who comes from France) thinks it's really sexy (for a woman) to have hairy armpitts ("It's sooo sensual; you can't understand that for the moment, but you will realise it later" ) and on the other hand there are the girls who can't stand hair to such an extent that they want their boy friends to shave their armpitts, chest and so on...


  7. #7
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    The only person that has to be unhappy is my little German friend then.

    I just wanted to know if most of the world is with me on this one (that hairy women=not hot)

  8. #8
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    Of course Russian women don't shave. You know how cold it is over here?
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  9. #9
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    well all the russian girls i hooked up with were waxed within an inch of thier lives!
    as for hairy girls, did it occour to you that your german 'friend' may be a member of a fettish minority league
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  10. #10
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    I think that most girls and (younger) women in Germany do shave nowadays. But that was different not so many years ago.
    (Female) German exchange students who go to the United States are urgently advised by their respective organisations to shave because Americans feel that unshaved arm pits and legs are really disgusting and would never understand such a barbaric behaviour.
    The fact that it seems necessary to give this advise makes it clear that shaving is not such a matter of course in Germany (and maybe in other European countries too) as in the USA.
    But the continous process of Americisation of world wide life styles will make the differences soon indistinguishable.

  11. #11
    JB is offline
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    While riding the Moscow Metro and standing elbow to elbow with fashionable Moskvichkas I suddenly realized that many of them don't have hair on ANY part of their arms. They must be waxing, shaving or plucking ( ) from their shoulders to their fingertips!
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biancca
    Anyway I am NOT doing it. (not throwing away my razor)
    Good! Stick to your guns on this one!

    Lt. Columbo, that's pretty much my experience also, my Russian friends aren't afraid to shave anything...!

    I shave my chest, maybe that's why I don't especially like hairy women...

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  13. #13
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    You know... the notion that women should shave is new, it was introduced in advertisements in the early twentieth century as a way to sell more razors. I had a girlfriend with hairy legs and arms. I don't know guys, maybe you just haven't ever been with such women before. I think in the heat of things, such details are pretty inconsequential.

    But the continous process of Americisation of world wide life styles will make the differences soon indistinguishable.

    Well maayyybbbeee, but come on, there's a bit more to culture than female shaving habits.

  14. #14
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  15. #15
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    In Russia an assumption that shaving stimulates hair growth is widely shared and believed in. I have no idea whether it's right or wrong but it is what a lot of people believe. I know some women who wouldn't shave just because they are afraid of getting thier legs hairier and the hair darker, thicker, and more visible.

    And I agree with Geoduck: it doesn't matter actually.

  16. #16
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    In Russia, I went out on a date with a girl who had shaved... her EYEBROWS! Now that is taking it too far! I mean come on, your eyebrows? She had drawn fake eyebrows on... sheesh!

    Anyway, Russian women are VERY feminine and are extremely conserned on how they look, and will always try to look their best. I have plenty of American female friends who don't shave because they are "liberated"...

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  17. #17
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    I don't think they look too bad. What do you think?
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  18. #18
    JJ is offline
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    На вкус и цвет товарища нет. Кваттс, а ты уверен что это не мужик?
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  19. #19
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    I think there anatomical differences involved - European babes don't shave cos they don't really need to - their hair is of a nice fluffy variety, not the horrible stubble of American women who, as far as I've seen, grow hair even on their teeth! (Junk food?) Russian babes don't shave for the simple reason of having to survive in barbaric, authoritarian, undemocratically cold winter climes.
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  20. #20
    Завсегдатай Scorpio's Avatar
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    All this discussion gave me an interesting idea... Why humans can't forgot all this shaving and learn to moult instead (at least twice a year)? What an economy of efforts and razorblades can it be!
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